Back in the yesteryears of the 1950’s, robots were portrayed as either world dominating evil-bots or “futuristic” helpers of the 1980’s. While none of these robot dreams have driven themselves to fruition yet, the new Space Explorer, originally produced by Yonezawa in the 1950’s and which is in a small limited production run of 200 units, gives us a taste of what the future could have been. Each is detailed with high grade tin metal and painstakingly hand rubbed with wood fiber to give it that grainy retro feel.
These robot model replicas are a classic display of how different our vision of the future is now, compared to the days of pulp sci-fi comics. These retro designs have an innocence that modern robotics could never capture. The replica of the Space Explorer comes painted in original hammer style paint finish in your choice of blue or gray. If you want one better grab it now because they’ll go quick. Prices range from $93-$103. For a piece of American sci-fi history, we’d say it’s worth it. — Andrew Dobrow
Product Page [Planet Robot]