If you’re looking forward to the XBox One release then chances are that you already know plenty about the games that will be released for the console, but in case you don’t, take a look…
1. Kinect Sports Rivals.
2. Dead Rising 3.
3. Halo for Xbox One.
4. Sunset Overdrive.
5. Quantum Break.
6. Call of Duty: Ghosts.
7. Titanfall.
8. Destiny.
9. FIFA 14.
10. Watch Dogs.
11. Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag.
12. Below.
13. Crimson Dragon.
14. NBA LIVE 14.
15. Forza Motorsport 5.
16. Ryse: Son of Rome.
17. Minecraft: Xbox One Edition.
18. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
19. Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare.
20. Project: Spark.