8-Bit Trololo

Alive and well within YouTube and the geeky musical sub-culture is the art of the chiptune, which basically sounds like the soundtrack to an 8-bit video game on steroids. YouTube user Robinerd took inspiration from the meme-erific Trololo and created a geektastic chiptune masterpiece which is sure to grace the iPods of many-a meme junky.

“Trololo Chiptune Cover” was made from scratch over a period of 8 hours using software called musagi. If you’re a complete 8-bit purist you might notice one or two instruments relying on an SCC chip simulation 12-bit AFAIK. Though Robinerd claims that with so many layers, 8-bit in its entirety would be unrealistic.


About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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