If you’re not quite ready to wear the jewelry you made out of your victim’s skin, no worries. Baby steps. You can start with Putrefashion, a bracelet designed to house living insects.
There are air-holes so they can remain living while you wear them! Jorge and I designed the bangle for some mealworms we procured at Petco. They like dry oatmeal or some hunks of potato.
Honestly, who doesn’t love dry oatmeal and potato hunks? I’ll tell ya, those smug mealworms have really got the life. High fashion, great diet, AIR HOLES for god’s sake. No one ever made sure I had air holes.
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So……what happens when they become beatles?
They learn to play instruments, form a band, become more popular than Jesus, and the greatest band ever, but in ten years they will split up and follow different ways. One will be shot to death by a fan of his. But they’ll never truly die.