6 Internet Trends We Will Never Understand!

Trends and fads come and go but online trends and fads seem to be a little stranger than most…okay, perhaps not THIS strange, but still pretty strange.

Via The Washington Post

1. Planking.

Laying flat on random things out in public. Why did it catch on? We have no idea but for now at least it seems to be dying down…at least while McDiving takes over.

2. Rick Rolling.

This one was just annoying. Watch the video above for an example of just how annoying it is.

Via Oddee.com

3. Owling.

Shortly after planking fell out of view, owling started up. What is owling? Apparently sitting in random public places like an owl.

4. The Cinnamon Thing.

We understand that it’s funny…but WHY do people keep trying it after they see other people’s horribly hilarious reactions?

5. Wasabi Snorting.

We’re pretty sure this started on JackAss and we’re fairly certain that it’s dangerous and disgusting.

6. The Salt and Ice Challenge.

Because apparently watching someone else burning themselves isn’t enough fun, you have to try it yourself with the salt and ice challenge.

We don’t recommend trying ANY of these stupid fads.

About Mohit

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