Aren’t they pretty? You might be wondering, �What are they?� And hopefully you can tell that, by the Iomega logo on these bricks, that they are (not zip drives) some very Apple-ish hard drives! These two external storage devices are for Mac owners only, and why would a Windows user want such beautiful drives anyways? One can only wonder. The Iomega UltraMax storage device weighs in at a hefty 1TB, whereas the smaller Black Series is only a single 120GB drive. Both drives support FireWire and USB 2.0, and both are bundled with Retrospect Express backup software. The UltraMax operates in RAID 0 mode by default, but if you want, you can switch it to RAID 1 Mirroring in order to backup your data. The UltraMax is formatted for a Mac out-of-the-box, but it is possible to format the drives to be compatible with a PC. The UltraMax 1TB is currently priced at about $500, while the Black 120GB is priced at around $190. Not exactly a bargain, but then again, they look amazing, so why not? — Nik Gomez
Iomega UltraMax and Black Series External Drives for Macs [SlashGear]