Unsecured networks, get ready for your worst nightmare (if you imagine this said in the voice of the movie trailer voice-over guy it’s much more funny.) No signal is safe from… The WiFi Predator.
The Predator is basically a modified wireless router connected to a high powered antennae, which runs off of a custom honed firmware, scoping out Wifi signals from a distance, and tapping into any unsecured wireless connections. If more than one signal is found, the Predator automatically chooses the one with the highest signal. This summer… no Starbucks is safe.
— Andrew Dobrow
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Wow that’s pretty cool, I should make myself one of those !
What is the distance that the predater receiver signal from
No idea Alfred. Try Googling around for it.
This thing is SICK!!!!
Mine gets Over 10 miles but i use a free hotspot
about 5 miles away for my internet connection
I use it for my XBoX Live or Wii wireless setup!
No Computer even needed!
I found this web site Unreal!