We can’t speak for all of you precious readers, but we know that we would much rather rock something this unique and beautiful in our homes then a typical crystal ceiling hanger. The enPieza  Volivik takes the Lo-Fi of writing supplies and the modernism of design and creates a piece that we have a hard time resisting. We’ll be the first to admit that $1000 is A LOT of money to pay for a series of Bic Pens, but for the amount of craftsmanship put into each of these Chandeliers, the money is most likely well worth it. The chandelier comes in both clear and orange, but the clear is by far the favorite of the two. It’s shipped in 20 pieces and we don’t expect supplies to last long so if you want one, go grab one before we buy them all with our millions of dollars….we wish.
— Andrew Dobrow
enPieza [via Inhabitant]