How to Add More Whole Foods to Your Daily Meals

The terms “whole foods” and “clean eating” have been tossed around a lot lately. But what does that actually mean?

Essentially, whole foods are foods in their most natural, unrefined state – think fresh fruits/veggies, whole grains, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, fish, and meat. You’ve likely seen them grouped together along the outer rim of grocery stores.

Processed and packaged items don’t make whole foods cut since they’ve been modified from original sources with additives, sweeteners, and preservatives. The more ingredients on an item’s label, the more processed it typically is.

With a few simple tips, you can painlessly trade up standard fare for more wholesome nourishment that your body will thank you for.


A warm bowl of oatmeal and Greek yogurt sprinkled with granola or fluffy pancakes are certainly quick and easy morning choices. But consider taking things up a notch nutrition-wise with some simple swaps:

Rather than instant oats, cook steel-cut or rolled varieties from scratch. They take a bit longer than those instant microwave packets but offer more fiber and protein to fill you up. Cook a big batch early in the week to reheat portions all week.

Mix in fresh, frozen, or dried fruits, chopped nuts, and a dash of cinnamon for a major upgrade over pre-flavored instant packets. Bonus points for using milk alternatives like almond or oat milk for creaminess.

For pancakes and waffles, use 100% whole wheat flour or oat flour rather than refined white varieties. Grind rolled oats to make your own oat flour easily. You seriously won’t taste the difference, but your body benefits big time. Use mashed banana or applesauce for binding and sweetening instead of sugar. Next level right here!

And don’t forget about good ‘ole eggs! Boil a bunch at the beginning of the week for easy reheating daily. Pair with fruit and sprouted whole-grain toast for a balanced, simple meal. Avocado toast on sprouted bread with a fried egg? Yes, please!


Packing lunch helps control calories, save money, and increase nutrition compared to grabbing takeout. But shifting focus from deli sandwiches and wraps to more filling whole food-focused meals prevents that 2 pm energy lull:

Vegetable-loaded soups, stews, and chilis made in big batches freeze well for quick reheating during your work week. Go crazy experimenting with different beans, greens, spices, and broths each week. So nourishing!

For grain bowls, use a base of brown rice, farro, or quinoa then pile on roasted veggies, greens, avocado, eggs, beans, nuts, and dressing. Endless nutritious combos to keep things interesting!

Another easy option – roasted or grilled veggie frittatas with eggs, cheese, and herbs. Make mini versions in muffin tins for quick reheating. Take just what you need for a meal and leave the rest refrigerated.

If a busy life with long work days sounds familiar, having wholesome grab-and-go lunch ingredients stocked helps so much. Things like hard-boiled eggs, cut fruits/veggies, hummus, yogurt, cheese sticks, nuts, and 100% whole grain crackers/toast. Assemble balanced mini meals in minutes without needing to cook.


Taco Tuesdays, pizza Fridays, and pasta night Wednesdays. Weekly dinner traditions offer comfort but could likely use a wholesome reboot. The meal ideas are still totally doable, just with better-for-you twists:

For pizzas, use a sprouted grain crust, pile with veggies and lean protein first, then add cheese sparingly. Going light on cheese means you can still enjoy this fun meal while preventing that overly full, bogged down feeling afterward.

With tacos, wrap all those delicious typical fillings in lettuce leaves, roasted sweet potato rounds, or 100% corn tortillas rather than enriched flour shells. You’ll skip empty calories and feel so much lighter.

And pasta night transforms by swapping out white refined noodles for veggie-based “pasta” made from zucchini, sweet potato, or butternut squash. Seriously so delicious while amping nutrition! Gluten-free chickpea or lentil pasta is perfect for piling with veggies, too.

If your family loves casseroles, upgrade traditional recipes with whole-grain bread crumbs, cottage cheese, puréed veggies, and lean proteins like ground turkey breast or tofu. You won’t believe something so tasty can be good for you!

And don’t forget hearty main dishes like roasted chicken and vegetables; shrimp stir fry with cauliflower rice, turkey chili stuffed peppers, or vegetarian Buddha bowls. Endless healthy possibilities to please all flavor preferences!

Prep Your Kitchen for Success

Having natural foods stocked makes throwing together quick whole-food meals infinitely easier.

Keep your fridge filled with fresh produce, eggs, plain Greek yogurt, hummus, nut butter, lean proteins, and sprouted whole-grain bread/tortillas. Healthy grabbing essentials ready when you are!

Your freezer should contain bags of pre-cooked grains, chopped veggie mixes, and batch meal leftovers for fast reheat-and-eat options when energy tanks.

And your pantry needs canned/dried beans, 100% whole grain pasta/rice, quinoa, oats, nuts, seeds, oil, vinegar, spices, broths, and nut/seed butter. High-quality, versatile ingredients ready to transform basic meals into greatness!

About Shashank

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