The RIAA keeps chugging along and putting people with good intentions out of business. The latest casualty is Muxtape, an online mixtape service that I used and really enjoyed. You uploaded 13 of your favorite tracks and that’d be about it. What do I think will happen now? Nothing. Muxtape is not/does not have the money to license all those ...
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Maxis’ Spore Has Gone Gold
I sure hope you’ve tried out that creature creator for the upcoming Spore, otherwise you’re going to be left in the dark. Having to settle for randomly generating creatures simply because you weren’t creative enough to come up with your own does not please Will Wright. After all, the full game is just around the corner. That’s right, Spore has ...
Read More »Opto-Isolator Isolates You With Stares
The Opto-Isolator asks the question: “What if art could view us?” This strange installation was on display at the Bitforms Gallery in NYC stirring all kinds of emotions as it mimicked the human eye. It’ll focus on any one person staring at it for too long. In addition, it’ll follow the person viewing it as well as blink along to ...
Read More »iHitch: iGetMurdered
I’m sure hitchhiking is just as cool as everyone says it is. Between the days spent searching for a ride, intervals of crank and black tar heroin and the constant risk of getting murdered, I don’t see why more of today’s youth are hitchhiking. Luckily, some ingenious bastard thought of iHitch, which is a social networking site for hitchhikers. No, ...
Read More »The Grapes of Cash
If Tom Joad had some of these grapes, he could have moved out of hicksville and into the Ritz-Carlton or some shit. This bunch of deliciously sweet grapes went for $1000 at a recent auction. For $1000, a hotel owner was able to procure 30 of the sweet, succulent grapes that are a little smaller than a CamBall. These just ...
Read More »Sega Tells It How It Is
Need further persuasion that the Wii is just downright bad? When the president of Sega of America starts talking shit, you know you’ve got trouble on your hands: “There is a lot of crap coming out for the Wii in general. But if it’s not a good game, it doesn’t sell.” “The Wii is a great opportunity for hitting hardcore ...
Read More »Don’t Dress In Drag, Dress In Virtual Drag
For those not familiar with Marc Owens’ work, he’s the man behind the Avatar Machine. It’s a suit which allows the user to view themselves as a virtual character in real space via a head mounted interface. Now he’s working on another suit that’s sure to turn heads. According to a study that found that 54 percent of all males ...
Read More »18+ Hours To Defeat Final Fantasy XI Boss
If you’ve ever played an MMORPG habitually, you know how difficult some bosses can be. Especially if your fellow guild members are shit-for-brain newbs. When you’re guild name is “Beyond the Limitation”, there’s little doubt that any one of your members gets out of the house on weekends. You’d think a bunch of geeks who never leave their rooms would ...
Read More »Facebook Is Very Real
As far as social networking sites go, Facebook’s popularity is unmatched. It’s a good thing it isn’t real life, otherwise I’d be getting poked all the time. The comedy group “Idiots of Ants” portray what it’d be like if people took social networking features and acted them out in person. The video goes into detail showing a satirical Facebook chat ...
Read More »LEGO Mosaics Found On Etsy
I’m all about Spock. Which is the main reason why I was attracted to these LEGO mosaics. They come in many different flavors including Star Wars, Mad magazine’s Alfred E. Neuman and even Adam West as Batman. Etsy member Motion5 sells these works of art for prices ranging from $50 to $400. He also takes high resolution shots of his ...
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