
New pink Meebo, getting girls to use something other than AIM

That infamous color pink… it makes guys make sure that they choose a very different color scheme, but it always seems to draw the female crowd in. The leading Web 2.0 instant messaging client Meebo has just added a pink theme to its increasingly popular application. Meebo allows users to make their own Meebo account and tie in each of ...

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DigitalXtractions creates Ultimate Outdoor Webcam

Webcams can now join the list of gadgets that can be solar-powered. DigitalXtractions just came out with the Ultimate Outdoor Webcam, also called SCIRC t1, which comes with solar-power and internet connection capabilities. There are optional solar panels you can buy to get your energy from the sun, so you can webcam and tan at the same time; you know ...

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NetCafe frenziness will push up Asus sales by 50%

Asus currently takes up 1/3 of the world’s computer motherboard market, and they have been doing that by striving to expand the market themselves. At a press conference on Friday, Asus indicated that they would join forces with intel (not AMD), they even projected that their sales will increase by another 50% in 2007, if they manage to meet their ...

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Opera for the Wii is released in public beta

The networking capabilities of the Wii are slowly falling into place. The Opera browser specially designed for the Nintendo Wii has been released in public beta. You can now download the browser for free (because it’s beta), and later it will cost you some Wii points. Opera seems to be making some excellent business decisions lately, with removing the cost ...

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Mozilla releases Firefox with security & Vista updates

Mozilla has released an update for the best browser in the world: Firefox! The update version is and as you might guess by this minute version change, not too much has visibly changed in the browser. There have been some security updates that fix some bugs Firefox has. The update has also added Microsoft Vista support (save for a ...

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Watch movies on your phone on the train from the DVD at home

Ok we know that you can stream videos on your XBOX360 off your PC in your bedroom. Bill Gates digs that. We know that you can access your home PC via your PC at the office. How about controlling your PC on your phone and stream videos? Sounds like a dream eh. If you happen to live in Japan, you ...

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Catch up with the Abacus Smart Watch

With people these days flipping out if they can�t know their favorite team�s score or the latest stock reports, the Abacus Smart Watch takes care of them by providing up to date information and never leaving their side. What�s different about this watch from all the other watches on the market is that it has internet connectivity and can receive ...

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Cingular working with Myspace

Yahoo! is reporting that the largest U.S. cellphone carrier is going to offer integration to the largest social network in the world. What does this mean? Not too much actually. It means that for an extra $2.99 a month you Myspace junkies can get your fix from your Cingular phone. For that 3 bucks you can upload your emo phone ...

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D-Link Wireless Pocket Router gives you wireless where it wasn’t

We’ve all been there. You show up at a relative’s house for some holiday (you’d much rather be somewhere else), you bring your laptop in hopes of connecting to AIM, and when you arrive, no wireless. They do have the internet, but you would have to sit at their tiny desk in order to plug the ethernet into your laptop. ...

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Firefox 3.0 alpha “Gran Paradiso” already available for download

Shouldn’t Mozilla be spending their time fine tuning Firefox 2.0 before letting outlandish future projects get in the way? Of course they should, but in today’s lightining speed internet world, the name of the game is more, more, faster, more productive, more, more. So for those who love getting their hands on early software, here’s a little 3.0 goodness to ...

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