Found on the streets of New York, located on the NYU campus, between 2nd and 3rd St. by the Barney Building, sits a hidden gem of street art. Captured and uploaded onto Flickr by user hungryghoast, the “Flowing Pixel” street sculpture depicts a faucet spitting out pixelated water. The piping sort of reminds me from that secret area in Super ...
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DJGO Keeps The Party Hoppin’ Over Here, And Over There
Whatever happened to the good old days of the traveling DJ. The days when turntabilism was a sought out art form for any rockin’ party. DJ’s are starting to get lazy, that’s what. Tired of lugging the same old equipment back and forth from gig to gig. The DJGO concept understands that what the modern DJ wants, isn’t to make ...
Read More »Is Your Boss A Dick? Piss Him Off With This Guitar Hero Necktie
Mr. Baxter upstairs is very upset with you. He’s well aware that you and your “crew” have been taking extra-long lunches so you can squeeze in matches of Guitar Hero in the break room. Yes, with every missed chord in YYZ, Mr. Baxter grows tired of your game and would really love it if you got back to your desk ...
Read More »Glo Pillow Wakes You Up Peacefully, Possibly Blinds You
Waking up sucks. As much as you don’t want to admit it, every time you hear the alarm clock ring in the morning you cringe. Your body ceases to move and you unhappily stretch your arm out so you can hit the almighty snooze button. Day after day you’ll be subjected to this torture unless you happen to fashion a ...
Read More »The Bedu Emergency Rapid Response Kit
I really have to give it to designer Toby McInnes for his “Bedu” concept emergency kit. It comes in a beautiful orange canister that resembles a propane tank. According to product renderings, the kit can apparently hold enough shit to provide shelter for the entire starting lineup of the New York Giants. I spy, with my eye, a tent, stove, ...
Read More »Quickies: MIT’s Post-It Notes On HGH
Seems the brains up in Massachusetts have done it again. MIT has taken an ordinary household object and transformed it into the coolest experimental toy on the planet. Case in point are Quickies, which are essentially Post-It Notes that feed the written information on them back to a computer. The computer then interprets the text or image drawn on the ...
Read More »“Rick Roll, Pastrami, Mustard With Provolone, Please.”
About a year ago, Rick Rolling someone was the coolest fucking thing on the Internet. I mean you were seriously the man if you fooled one of your friends who actually knew what the hell Rick Rolling was all about. Now that the meme-of-all-memes is passe, why not change the game up and literally make a Rick Astley Roll? I’m ...
Read More »Robot Defeats Forest Fires By Defeating The Forest
Forest fires are morbid scenes. Sure, there are all of those precious woodlands which are destroyed, but more important, our homes and families are at risk. Enter the forest fire prevention robot, designed by Jordan Guelde. Smokey The Bear (or even OLE, the fire fighting beetle bot) ain’t got nothing on this tough mofo. Using its vast array of hubless ...
Read More »ProsperPC Concept Is Like Your Very Own Live-In Inspector / Secretary
How did we manage before the advent of mobile phones and the Internet. Seriously. I mean, I can’t think of a day that has passed in years where I haven’t relied on my cellphone or computer for some major aspect of my life. In a few years we might be asking a very different question. How did we live without ...
Read More »Two Timer: Two Timezones, One Clock
There are plenty of mobile doodads these days which can tell you the time for just about any location in the world you’d care to know about. But for reading of different time zones right from your wall, many people and businesses still rely on using multiple clocks to read the current local time in a different zone. The Two ...
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