I much prefer college ruled to the standard wide ruled notebook paper. I don’t know if its the fact that the term “college” makes me feel more studious or just something simple, like the ability to fill the page with more lines of my amazing writings. I guess I can’t offer much of an opinion, if only for the fact ...
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Muppet Anatomy: Kermit the Frog Gets an X-Ray
Kermit the Frog was injured in a tragic domestic incident. It’s not hard to get hurt when you share a bed with a pig. One faulty roll and all of a sudden you’re suffocating. Anyway, here are the official x-rays released from his most recent injury. Doctors were looking for a broken wrist. Luckily the x-rays were negative. Link [via]
Read More »The Anatomy of the Three Wolf Moon Shirt
While it might not be quite as magical as the real thing, and really what could even compare? You can gobble down all of the Unicorn Meat you want. You’ll never obtain magical nirvana until you’re rockin’ the Three Wolf Moon Shirt. The Anatomy of a T-shirt tee from Threadless reduces the Three Wolf Moon shirt to its bare bones, ...
Read More »Wild Wild Wario: Super Mario Bros Heads to the Corral
Some might suggest that Mario is pretty much a cowboy to begin with, sans the hat and horse. But what if the plumber had a change of heart and really did go all wild wild west on us. Well that’s a horse of a different color. Green to be exact. We already know Mario is one hell of a culture ...
Read More »It’s a Crap!: Admiral Ackbar Toilet Traps Your High-Powered Missiles
This toilet has been floating (no pun intended) around a few viral sites recently and I hesitated to jump on it out of sheer will. I’m typically against posting stuff that you might have already seen. But there’s something about the Admiral Ackbar Toilet that keeps bringing me back. It’s likely not the smell. Deviantart user bmansnuggles created this awesome ...
Read More »Forget Blow Up Dolls: The CAT5 Cable Girl Sculpture
While fleshlights and real dolls might have changed the way we looked at self-satisfaction, there’s never really been a sexually provocative product geared specifically to us geeks. And while Kasey McMahon’s self-portrait might not be the most delicate or pain-free renditions of sexual objects, it’s still a pretty blatant form of geek pr0n no matter how you look at it. ...
Read More »I See No Reason To Move: USB Microwave
As a professional blogger, I have about as much physical activity as your vacuum cleaner (not very much). I get to lounge around in my pajamas all day and read cool shit on the internet. Basically I’m everything you wish you could be. Sorry, it had to be said. Now BOW to me! But blogging doesn’t come without its hazards. ...
Read More »The Imperial Undead: Star Wars and Zombies
Geek porn. That is exactly what this is. A cleverly devised ploy to sell as many t-shirts as possible to the geeky masses. As much as you might try to not buy in to total geek bait, it’s hard to deny the allure of Star Wars and zombies melded together on, what else, a tee. As if the founding fathers ...
Read More »New Style of Live-Action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Revealed
TMNT action figures were my toy of choice when I still whipped out my figures for a daily rumble. I’m trying to give it up, really. I haven’t even touched my toys since yesterday. What you are witnessing above is supposedly the new look of the upcoming live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. I’m not quite sure how I feel ...
Read More »The Vitruvian Inspector: Go Go Gadget Da Vinci!
Vitruvius Pollio, the man who inspired Leonardo da Vinci’s work on his iconic Vitruvian Man, once described the human body as being “the principal source of proportion among the Classical orders of architecture.” Maybe that’s true when you’re dealing with a perfectly proportioned male specimen, such as myself, but Inspector Gadget’s form is more akin to that of a fun ...
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