Your Mac has lived its best life, it is old, or you simply want to get something new and recent. No matter what your reason, you are here because you want to sell your Mac. Here are a few ways you can go about the process. To me, these are some of the best options to get a great value, ...
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How to Connect AirPods with a Mac
Apple introduces a wire-free earphone i.e. AirPods in 2016. Basically, AirPods comes up with a case with wireless charging technology. Apart from the wireless design, it leaves white stalks all the time out of your ear. In recent times many other brands introduce wireless earphone like AirPods. AirPods uses standard Bluetooth feature for connection with Apple devices. It easily syncs ...
Read More »Is a Smart TV Worth the Money you Pay?
The question of whether smart TV are the worth money or not comes to every single person who has ever planned on buying one. Well smart TV is the next gen TVs and their benefits cannot be ignored. But they also come with some features which you don’t necessarily need unless otherwise. So this article will help you a lot ...
Read More »How to backup WhatsApp messages on iPhone?
Who would ever want to encounter shocking incidents? Well, No one. For instance you forgot to backup WhatsApp messages on iPhone and you just get this shocking scene in front of you that your kid has deleted the app accidentally and you just lost all your data. You will obviously hold yourself responsible for not protecting your WhatsApp data. To ...
Read More »What Exactly Does Poor Network Performance Look Like?
If you own a business with multiple employees that are all using a computer network, you may realize that, at certain times, it’s not going to function properly. There are certain problems that you may face, depending upon the set up, and also the hardware that you are using. It also depends on the Internet connection that you have, and ...
Read More »Old Technologies That Are Still Very Reliable (and in Use) Today
Technology is advancing in such a fast pace that new gadgets and more capable devices are being launched frequently. This is something that was predicted back in the 1970s, when Moore’s Law was first introduced. The law predicted that the processing power of computers will double every two years; that’s very much true. Royalty Free Photo While we’re getting better ...
Read More »3 Essential Things to consider Before Buying a new Laptop
With the rapid growth of the technological sector, the variety of gadgets available in the market is huge. Even if you want to buy a particular gadget like a laptop there are hundreds of options available for a particular price range. It even becomes very difficult to categorize laptops from the best to worst considering there is no single kind ...
Read More »MySQL Security Tips
In this article we will give you some tips on securing your MySQL or MariaDB database. 1. Secure MySQL installation This step includes the following – Setting a password for the root account, if you didn’t set it during installation; – Disabling remote root user login by removing root accounts that are accessible from outside the localhost; – Removing accounts ...
Read More »Why Do I Have to Send a Fax Today? And How Can I Do It?
Which technological era were you brought up in? Whether you are a baby boomer or Generation Z, it is impossible to deny the impact of technology on our society. Every technological advancement is born out of purpose. However, like fashion, technology is a victim of ever-evolving trends, and this rapid evolution has not spared the way we communicate with each ...
Read More »7 Unexpected Consequences of a Self-Driving Car Revolution
Self-driving cars are already on the streets, even if they aren’t available for the general public to own and operate yet. The former Google engineers at Waymo have driven their autonomous vehicles more than 7 million miles on city streets, and more than 2.7 billion miles in simulated environments in 2017 alone. In addition to being convenient and technologically fascinating, ...
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