Those of you who run Linux might still experience falling asleep at the monitor with your command terminal running. The steady blinking of the cursor can be hypnotic, but sleeping at the desk is about as ergonomic as sleeping on a pile of stones. Art Lebedev Studio has whipped up an ode to the days of DOS commands with the ...
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KeyKatcher: Unobtrusive, Inconspicuous, and Totally Nosy Keylogger
If your one of those guys who call themselves “protective”, but who really just feel the need to be all creepy and know every single aspect of their girl’s life, this handy Keystroke Recorder might be right up your alley. We’ve seen other contraptions which you can add to your keyboard cable to log the output, but this recorder looks ...
Read More »Body-Laptop Wooly Jumper Puts You In Your Own Little World
Distractions are everywhere. While there have been many attempts at providing us with our own personal space, many fall short, looking totally unpractical. The Body-Laptop Wooly Jumper is exactly one of those sort of creations. Mixing the ingenuity of the Glovers and the Office Collar, the Wooly Jumper attempts to create your own personal laptop force-field, at the expense of ...
Read More »Tresling: Tetris With A Physical Edge
How do geeks solve a quarrel that can only be fixed with a physical encounter? By fist fighting? Oh, no, no. Their asthma just wouldn’t allow for that. Drastic times call for drastic measures, and we all know there is only one way to prove who has the metaphorical thickest glasses, and that’s through gaming of course. Tresling mashes Tetris ...
Read More »MacBook Pro Beautifully Laser-Etched With WoW Dark Portal Design
What lies just beyond the Dark Portal? And to think, for the last few years I thought it was Outland which dwells within the stars. All of this time, it has been nothing but an Apple logo. Ok, but in all seriousness, this laser-etching job on a MacBook Pro is a gorgeous depiction of the Dark Portal from World of ...
Read More »Hardware Porn: IBM Power 575 Supercomputer Melts Some Serious Face While Saving Power
A lot has changed since IBM was releasing room sized computers with PC sized 1 GB hard drives. So much so, that IBM has unveiled their Power 575 Supercomputer, which runs off of one of the world’s fastest microprocessors, the Power6, and relies on an innovative cooling system to keep from exploding. More impressively, it all seems smaller than that ...
Read More »Thanko Face Cooler Mask Also Saves You From SARS
The SARS panic might be years behind us, at least as far as pandemics go, but face masks are making a come back. I’m telling you. Don’t believe me? Check out this Cooling Face Mask from Thanko. Powered right from your USB port, the mask gives you 51-inches of breathing room. Go any further and you’ll be dragging your computer ...
Read More »Takata Steering Wheel Points You In The Right Direction
Most GPS units either come in the form of dashboard attachments or separate displays. The Takata CSW Steering Wheels teams up with GPS company Navigon to incorporate GPS interaction right into the display on the luxury wheel. The Takata wheel sits in sync with your entire car, attuned with most aspects, including your speed and gyros, which also works in ...
Read More »Running 150 Apps On A MacBook Pro At One Time
What would it look like if you were running 150 separate applications at once on a MacBook Pro, and is it even possible? Probably something like this. The owner of this 2.2 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 GB of RAM (the same notebook I have) claims that he can run all of his 150 applications at once, with the computer ...
Read More »Liquid Cooled Motorcycle Case Mod: Green With Envy
Forget about the fact that this is even a PC, but even if this were a real motorcycle, the green LED glow would capture my attention. Now, imagine being able to have this Motorcycled Case Mod in your office or computer den. This liquid-cooled Motorcycle Case holds the tradition of other vehicle themed case mods, but goes completely overboard with ...
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