
Logitech Io2 digital pen, yet another no one will buy

How many times have you wished that those notes you took could be transfered into your computer for editing? Not too many… Well, that might explain why not too many people have caught onto the digital pen idea. Not only is it awkward to hold something of this size and write with it, it is just dumb to spend $150 ...

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3D Touchpad responds to your hand without having to touch it

The days of Minority Report-like technology seem closer and closer everyday. With the popularity increasing on touch screens and touch based interfaces, the Ukraine made 3D Touchpad is a step ahead of the crowd. It’s not even really a touchpad at all technically. You don’t have to touch the thing to make it work. The touchpad can sense movements above ...

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Drag-n-drop files between 2 PCs, no drivers needed!

The Windows Vista has been launched, but we all wonder what good it does. A fancier interface so that our computers can run slower? More bugs so that we can engage in the perpetual cycle of updating the system? There is at least one good new feature on the Vista that a lot of people have thought about but never ...

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Almost feels like teleporting… almost

Japanese company Frepar has announced the commercialization of their almost-teleporting communicate-Pod. What this thing does is that it allows the real-time teleporting of full 3D image of objects between both parties, so essentially it “looks” like teleporting. When you want to show your friend your new hamster, simply place it on the Sci-fi looking device, let it walk around in ...

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Jetart NP7600W laptop cooler integrates USB for added fuctionality

Laptop cooling pads are nothing new. They all seem to do the same thing in just a slightly different way. In this case, there really is something to differentiate itself from the competition. The Jetart NP7600W Aluminum Notebook Cooler has two 2,300RPM cooling fans as well as four USB ports. This works on multiple levels. Say you just bought an ...

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Thinklabs iPod Stethoscope brings popular tech to the doc’s office

Even though you probably already have a whole slew of iPod accessories floating around in your room, what is there for a doctor? Sure it would be nice for them if they could plug in and jam while diagnosing your problems, but that’s not too professional, is it? Luckly, Thinklabs has created an addon make just for doctors. The Thinklabs ...

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Apple 802.11n update costs… $1.99! It’s official.

Double Apple news day! After all of those damn rumors about how much activating the 802.11n ability would cost, we now know! Apple is charging $1.99 for the software update. At first this was supposed to cost about $5, then it went to $2, then the hopefulls said it’s free!, now it’s officially $2. — Nik Gomez AirPort Extreme 802.11n ...

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Hauppauge WinTV-Nova-TD lets your laptop become a TV

TV tuners are where it’s at. Hauppauge has just released a new dual-antenna notebook TV tuner dubbed the WinTV Nova-TD. It connects to your laptop (or desktop if you need it to) though its USB interface. It connects to two antennas which pick up the digital TV signals. It is able to combine the signal from the two into a ...

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V-Gear Auto Focus Webcam displays your acne in sharp focus

The V-Gear Talkcam Tracer Webcam is not like the other cams on the market with a grainy picture. The Talkcam uses auto-focus and zooming features to keep you looking your best…well, at least the most like yourself. The Tracer is a 1.3 megapixel camera also capable of displaying video at 30 frames per second. The 1.3 megapixel quality of the ...

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AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ comes into 3GHz territory

Since Intel has released its Core 2 Duo line of processors, AMD has been out of the spot light, shunned to behind the center stage. Ever since, they have been scrambling to come up with something that can overpower the double core chips. AMD has just released another chip for the Athlon 64 line: the X2 6000+. What’s suprising is ...

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