Despite being first developed in the mid-1980s, the 3D printing industry has really picked up pace over recent years with more uses developed and benefits discovered as time progresses. While the technology is still being integrated into various industries, there are a growing number of reasons to get excited about 3D modeling and 3D printing. Here are five reasons we’re ...
Read More »Computing
De-Evolution: Windows 95 Running on a Smartwatch
Using emulator software, Davenport installed Windows 95 onto an Android Wear smartwatch, pretty much destroying any tiny bit of integrity the watch has left after being dragged through the mud as result of the Apple Watch announcement.
Read More »The Brush Mouse Has Infinite Uses
The Barely There Brush Mouse by Jang Woo-seok is an interesting take on your average computer mouse. It's non-slip, super flexible, prevents hand fatigue, and has amazing airflow to keep your hands from getting all gross and clammy. It also gives you mini-hand massages when you move your palm.
Read More »Windows 95 Backpack: Blue Screen Not Included
For some added realism, drench this motha-eff in some blue paint. And then throw it against a wall.
Read More »Eco Friendly Printers to Save the Environment
With today’s innovation in technology and office solutions, there are a lot of ways to improve business productivity while saving the environment. With the looming threat of Global Warming, corporate social responsibility is now a priority for all large businesses and the market for eco-friendly office solutions has never been so packed with options. ENERGY STAR, a U.S. Environmental Protection ...
Read More »How to Wipe Your Computer
Before you sell or dispose your computer, you should clean it of sensitive documents and data. To be 100% safe, you should wipe your computer even if you plan on keeping it around in your closet or garage to guard against the risk of information theft in case your computer falls in the wrong hands. Deleting sensitive documents, reformatting your ...
Read More »How Technology is Molding the Modern Office
The last few years have seen business technology developing faster than ever, and nowhere more so than in the office, where a variety of different technologies have come together to revolutionize the way work is carried out. Now, a new wave of technologies is emerging that is seeing some businesses do away with the office altogether – at least physically. ...
Read More »Why You Should Upgrade to a PlayStation 4 Right Now
The PlayStation 4, commonly shortened to PS4, is one of the most popular console gaming systems on the market today. While it’s one of the two front-runners, competing with the Xbox One, there are several distinct advantages to the PS4 over both older consoles and over other models. Graphics The main attraction of the PlayStation 4 as a next generation ...
Read More »The Rise of DRM Media Converters
Digital rights management (DRM) consists of a set of technologies used by different types of copyright holders such as developers, publishers, hardware manufacturers etc. in order to control and restrict the use of devices and digital products after their sale. When referring to digital content, DRM is also called “copy protection”, as it is often used for preventing users from ...
Read More »Why To Take To Dedicated Server Hosting?
Dedicated hosting is the most recommended web hosting option when you are looking for an optimum support for a big elaborate website- pulling in a huge influx of traffic. Yes, there is the inexpensive shared hosting option but if you want maximum performance & credibility, dedicated server hosting is the option for you. Why? Well, here is a discussion exploring ...
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