Both Apple and Amazon insist that their displays are better suited for eBook reading. But they can’t both be right. So to help provide a definitive answer to the big question in the eBook community, Keith from BIT-101 put his new USB microscope to the test by getting up close and personal with both the Kindle and iPad displays. Tested ...
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Apple to Add Email-Based FaceTime Functionality For iPods and iPads
If the newest iOS beta is any sort of indication, the rumors we’ve been hearing about front-facing cameras being key features of new models of the iPod Touch and iPad could be more than just a simple whisper on the streets of Cupertino. The new beta adds a new option for connecting through FaceTime via e-mail addresses, rather than just ...
Read More »Duo Succesfully Shatters Pi Record Using Home Computer
A collaboration between 54-year-old system engineer Shigeru Kondo and American computer science student Alexander Yee resulted in the successful calculation of Pi to the 5-trillionth digit using only a homemade home computer and a piece of custom software called y-cruncher. The 5-trillion milestone shattered the previous record of 2.7 trillion digits, nearly doubling past efforts. The calculation took a period ...
Read More »Russian Dude Shows Off Largest CPU Collection Ever
Some guys you can just tell have never gotten laid. This particular virgin posted images of his “humble” CPU collection on a Russian forum site. Needless to say, he’s quickly becoming the stuff of legends. His collection features hundreds of CPUs, both modern and ancient, some larger than modern day cellphones. Included in his collection are Soviet CPUs that proceeded ...
Read More »Blizzard to Starcraft II Early Birds: “You’re Going to Have to Wait”
People have started receiving their Starcraft II pre-orders in the mail. Of course, the first thing they’re going to do is through the disc in the ole drive and start gaming away. Not so. Blizzard is restricting the general audience of getting a head start over everyone else by blocking access to the game until tomorrow. When attempting to play ...
Read More »Mobile Apps By The Numbers (With Infographic Goodness)
It’s no mystery that Apple’s App Store dominates the mobile app market they way things currently stand. The closest competitor is Google and they don’t even release their numbers. So it’s hard to really place a marker on the current gap between the big two. A quick glance at the infographic after the jump tells you a few things you ...
Read More »Condom Mousepad Prevents Googlerrhea
There’s almost no way to tell your computer’s sexual history if you don’t have the money to fork out for a full diagnostics screening. Especially if you happen to purchase it off eBay or refurbished through a company. Sure, they might say it was thoroughly checked. But you never know what might slip though the crack and let me tell ...
Read More »iOS 4 to Drop at 1 PM ET
According to sources across Twitter, Apple’s new iOS 4 for the iPhone will be available for download around 1 PM ET. If any of you are as eager as I am to get your hands on the final product, then I’m sure you’ve been checking iTunes every few minutes. Occasionally, Apple plants the download on their Software Update site a ...
Read More »The Art of Analog Computing
Imagine we lived in a world where everything was still handled manually. Including computing. If you can’t afford a computer this is a cheaper alternative to shelling out hundreds for your very own PC. Computing is lazy anyway. I personally prefer to hand-press my blog posts. Link
Read More »USB Typewriter Turns iPad into Vintage Writing Contraption
The typewriter. The ultimate forerunner of the word processor. We don’t give the typewriter enough credit for changing the world of the press. Providing fanboys of the 1880s to create fan fiction which could be read by tens of readers, instead of just himself. But since we’re in a new era. In fact, there’s probably been multiple new eras since ...
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