Hey, we never said it was a “functioning” jetpack. Function is overrated anyway. The creative process? Now that’s where the real entertainment lays. Using a few crafting supplies and the contents of your recycling bin, you can craft your own wearable jetpack. A much cheaper alternative to buying a real pack just to complete your Rocketeer costume. Instructables user ModMischief ...
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Homemade 3D Printer Made of LEGOs Constructs LEGO Creations
It took 2,400 LEGO bricks, three Mindstorms NXT kits and nine additional NXT motors to complete, but Battlebricks’ MakerLegoBot has done it. The home-constructed LEGO 3D Printer is a LEGO-created device made to compose custom LEGO creations up to 12 bricks high. The 3D LEGO Printer assembles your LEGO designs brick by brick, following print commands through a USB connection ...
Read More »LEGO NXT Robots Get Solar Power
Now that you can control your NXT robot with your Android phone, rather than using yet another electronic device, there are ways to save the planet even further, thanks to Dexter Industries’ dSolar Systems. The 9V solar power system allows you to rig your Mindstorms NXT robots for harnessing the power of the sun. The solar system provides about 250 ...
Read More »Motorized Window Curtain Automatically Follows Peeping Toms
For some people, the easy way out just doesn’t cut it. You could make a good argument that it would have been much easier just to get a curtain that comfortably fit in front of the whole window, or find some blinds that would scare people away. Even a shower curtain would work. But it’s the principle of the thing! ...
Read More »PC Case Mod Turns Your Computer Into a Mini-Oven
If you walked into a friend’s room and saw this sitting under their desk, you’d probably be like “Um, why the hell do you have an oven in your room?” Because it really does look like a fully-functioning oven. But in reality, this is a PC case mod by Czech modder Zby�ek, who woke up one morning and decided to ...
Read More »Pimp My Rascal: The Fastest Mobility Scooter Suped-Up for Driving at 69 MPH
Just because grandma has two bad hips doesn’t mean she’s not a bad-ass. Traveling at a maximum speed of 8 mph isn’t her style. It never was. Which is why she wore roller blades with motors on the back everywhere she went until she was in her 70s. But time has taken its toll, and grandma is reduced to riding ...
Read More »It’s Not Always Black and White: How to Turn B&W Photos Into Full Color Images
If you haven’t done your research, I bet you had no idea that digital cameras actually only take black and white shots. What your camera actually does is collect light intensity, recording a light level for each individual pixel ranging from 0 to 255. But how exactly does the actual photo become the colored masterpiece you see on your display? ...
Read More »Add a Paging System to Your TV Remote: Never Lose the Remote Control Again
I might be lying a little bit in the title of this post. You might lose your remote control again. In fact, you probably already have. But I can guarantee that with this DIY project, you’ll never be missing it for long. Since no one really uses their home phone line anymore anyway, it doesn’t make sense to just have ...
Read More »Add an iPhone Dock to Your iPad For Real Multitasking
Don’t be fooled. You might think you’re multitasking, but you’re not. At least not effectively. Sure, Apple finally added a “here it is, now please shut up”-version of multitasking to iOS, but what you’re really doing is pausing. You want a true multitasking experience? You’re going to have to take matters into your own hands. This simple DIY will have ...
Read More »Gamer Creates Massive Working Computer Using Virtual Minecraft Building Blocks
Craddock is not your average gamer. Better known by his online pseudonym “theinternetftw,” Craddock is one of a few crafty gamers in the process of creating a working virtual computer. In Craddock’s case, a 16-bit computer that will run entirely in Minecraft. That computer will be “Hack” compatible, meaning that it will run code meant for the Hack machine described ...
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