So you think you’re real smooth jailbreaking your iPhone, huh? Really pulled the wool over the eyes of Apple, you did. Dutch jailbreakers beware. A hacker from the Netherlands was recently able to conive a series of Dutch iPhone users into using his software to “jailbreak” their device. When the supposed jailbreak is complete and the phone is rebooted, users ...
Read More »DIYs & Mods
Casmobot Lawnmower Controlled Via a Wiimote
The Wiimote is much more of a versatile tool than I think even Microsoft could have imagined. People have hacked the Wiimote to create some zany and awesomely practical mods. But I think “lawnmower control” is a new one. The Casmobot Lawnmower is navigated using nothing but a hacked Wiimote and the crafty engineering by several scientists at the University ...
Read More »Big Head Self-Portrait Papercraft Halloween Costume
The days following Halloween are always a lot of fun. Not only do we get to munch on mountains of leftover candy, but we get to see photos of everyone’s awesome finished costume ideas. This Big Head Self-Portrait Papercraft costume is one of the neatest I’ve seen yet. Eric Testroete got a little cocky. I mean this guy’s head was ...
Read More »How to Roar Like Chewbacca
Chewbacca’s roar. This is one talent I’ve always wanted, along with the ability to rip off the arms of a droid if they beat me in chess, but that’s another talent for another time. This sexy instructional video features an adorable geek chick unveiling the secrets of the Chewie roar. You’ll need to have some sort of control over your ...
Read More »Mother-Son Family Guy Halloween Costumes
Halloween doesn’t have to be all about getting the shit scared out of you. Craftster user SonicsInk posted this awesome Mother-Son Family Guy costume, perfect for a comedy-filled Halloween. And remember, there is always the potential for some scariness. Stewie has been trying to kill his mother for years now. Victory will be his! I love the little details, such ...
Read More »Mini DV Case Makes a Great DIY iPhone Stand
Here’s a cheap way to create your very own sleek iPhone stand using an old Mini DV case. Creator Elam Nikserof added a coat of satin enamel paint and cut out a notch out of the case so he could still access the iPhone’s home button. After hours of furious sanding, Nikersof was finally satisfied with the smooth finish, which ...
Read More »Cardboard Box + Smartphone = Augmented Reality
Augmented reality… it doesn’t come cheap, unless you have invention and ingenuity on your side. This crafty cheapskate created his own Augmented Reality Goggles using nothing more than some cardboard and his HTC Magic smartphone, plus a little extra hacking of the Magic’s compass feature and Google Street View. Hit the jump for a video demo.
Read More »Football Hero Takes the Color Tapping Genre to the Big Leagues
And by the big leagues, we mean a bigger-than-life Guitar Hero-esque game being played on a massive megatron wall sized screen. The Kasabian football players kick the soccer ball at their colored square as the Arduino-controlled contact sensors are illuminated by falling colored blocks. The resulting game is both severely awesome and ridonkulous. Check out the video after the jump.
Read More »An Alcoholic Beverage for Zombies
Here’s a chaser for your zombie cupcakes. Nothing washes down brains better than more brains. The brain-effect is caused by mixing acidic lime juice and Irish cream, which produces a curdled brainy mixture. Link [via]
Read More »80s Cake Does Not Include Hair Metal
The 80s was an orgy for geeky pop-culture enthusiasts, springing up pop phenomenon around every corner. The list just goes on and on. ALF, The Smurfs, video games, ALF. As you can see, I could just keep going all night. This 80s Cake celebrates some of the most iconic and obscure elements of 1980s culture including the Rubik’s Cube, Michael ...
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