There is surely a large percentage of you who have been holding out on the iPhone not out of spite, but because you just don’t have the extra cash laying around. In these times of financial strife, sacrifice is essential. If you still want to at least LOOK like you can afford an iPhone, is selling non-working display models ...
Read More »DIYs & Mods
LEGO Glass Elevator: Where the Hell is Wonka?
I was expecting a little Willy Wonka action with this LEGO brick glass elevator model but, alas, there is no Wonka in sight. I don’t give a rat’s ass if Charlie gets his lifetime supply of chocolate or not. This elevator is definitely lacking some Gene Wilder action. Link [via]
Read More »DIY Steampunk Pumpkin
Hans Scharler created this awesome Steampunk Pumpkin using a bunch of spare parts from some of the most well known DIY providers. The pumpkin glows an eerie green color from inside when turned on in the dark, sort of like your mom. Hit the jump for the video making of the Steampunk Pumpkin.
Read More »The Everyday Life of Darth Vader
Even evil overlords put their pants on one leg at a time. Just because he has an evil empire to run, doesn’t mean his responsibility of personal hygeine and everyday duties comes to an end. In fact, for someone who interacts with so many acolytes, its important to smell fresh. Darth Vader, much like any universe-domineering dictator, still manages to ...
Read More »The Geekiest Game of Scrabble Ever
Scrabble is geeky enough to begin with, but you can imagine the depths of geekiness that can be reached limiting yourself to only words of geekage. The above board is the geekiest game of Scrabble I’ve ever seen played and likely the geekiest I’ll ever see. Even if you don’t use words like “vociferous” or “solipsism” you can still have ...
Read More »Realistic Sneakers Made Out of Paper
This is some extreme papercrafting. David Brownings created these pretty realistic-looking kicks using nothing but colored paper. I’d actually rock them if I knew they’d last longer than a few steps.
Read More »Impressionist Cake
Borrowing elements from both Van Gogh’s Starry Night and Monet’s lilies, I don’t know what would be more proper for this Impressionist Cake, eating it or hanging it on the wall. Whatever you might do with it, one thing’s for sure. Even though the cake steals elements from other well-known paintings, it takes a real artistic eye to paint, with ...
Read More »Gameboy Cake For the Tetris Fan
Every year around Halloween I go on a serious sugar bender. There’s something about this season that fuels the five-year-old inside of me. The problem is that I can literally look at a slice of cake and gain five pounds. So while this Game Boy cake looks extra scrumptious with its M&M Tetris design goin’ on, I think I might ...
Read More »Best of Both Worlds: LEGO Foosball Table
Merging the best of two of the geekiest worlds into one, the LEGO Foosball table combines the amazing sport of table soccer (and yes, I use the word sport very loosely here) with our absolute favorite building toy, LEGOs. Look, Knex are pretty good and I’mma let you finish, but LEGOs make the best foosball table of all-time! Hit the ...
Read More »Mona Lisa Halloween Costume
Still having a tough time picking out your Halloween costume? This Mona Lisa costume will probably work for both men and woman since the Mona Lisa itself is of ambiguous sex to begin with. Simply create your own mock Mona Lisa design and cut a face hole in your design. Designer Alexa Westerfield provides more in-depth instructions on her site ...
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