Emerging Tech

It’s Time to Go “Homey” with a New Voice-Controlled Home Automation System

In the past, the thought of speech-enabled home automation was a something people loved to watch on shows like The Jetsons or in science-fiction movies. Today though, voice-controlled, multi-function home-automation systems are actually available on the market and something that builders and homeowners can incorporate into new homes, no matter the size of the building. If you’re keen to learn ...

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The Ebola-Killing Robot: Now in Use by US Hospitals

Xenex uses a super powered UV light to kill any harmful little beings trying to dig their way into your body. While the bot isn't guaranteed to kill every last germ hiding in every little corner, it does do a pretty good job of disinfecting a hospital room.

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Why BMW is Cut from a Different Cloth

There is a certain level of prestige that comes with owning a BMW. Everyone recognizes the name and the logo no matter where you go in the world. And there’s a reason for that. BMW has been making quality cars and parts for nearly 90 years. Driving a BMW down the road lets others know that you understand the class, ...

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Why Bitcoin is a Currency to be Taken Seriously


In 2009, an electronic currency named Bitcoin was created to make online transactions that much safer and smoother. After years of expansion and support for the idea, there are now Bitcoin ATM machines in areas of Canada and major retailers accept Bitcoin as an acceptable method of payment. The influx of support over its introduction to the world five years ...

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The Modern Mobile Home

smart home

A few years ago the concept of using mobile technology to complete everyday tasks in the home would have been considered incredible, but the technology is evolving all the time, and there are now many things a person can do with the help of their smartphone. People are looking for ways to make life easier all the time, and luckily there are companies out there that are racing to create the next big innovation for technology-loving homeowners.

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Google’s Android Auto: New Voice-Enabled Platform for Cars

android auto

  Recently Google unveiled the Android Auto which is a new voice-enabled software for cars. The focus of the software is to make navigation and communication easier for drivers as well as travelers. However, that’s not all there is to this project. The official website reads, “Android Auto was designed with safety in mind. With a simple and intuitive interface, ...

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