Emerging Tech

E-bestsellers: Times list goes digital

The New York Times bestseller list not only measures book sales, it also sells books; millions of readers make selections based on what they find there. Starting early next year, the New York Times Company will try to bring that clout to bear on the electronic books market.

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Children’s ebooks phone home

Isabella Products, a maker of wireless digital picture frames, has teamed up with publishing giant Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to bring a children's e-reader to market next summer. Called the Fable, the device will be marketed as a networked color tablet for kids, and will feature a 7-inch color touchscreen and a wireless networking over a secure, managed connection.

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The World’s Fastest Supercomputer Unveiled in China

Just for a moment, take into consideration that in the 1950s, it would have taken a supercomputer of this size just to power your cellphone. And that much computing power might have even been a stretch. Today at the Annual Meeting of National High Performance Computing (HPC China 2010) in Beijing, the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in China ...

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Scientists Master Facial Recognition on Cellphones

Facial recognition has been standing on the edge of relevance to the average man for a while now, yet it hasn’t quite made the jump from security science to mainstream integration. Scientists at The University of Manchester have been covertly mastering the function of facial recognition from mobile phones with MoBio, and their results are impressive. �Existing mobile face trackers ...

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New Super Material is Stronger Than Kevlar and Stainless Steel

Bulletproof Kevlar and stainless steel. What do they have in common? They share an extreme strength and hardness, unparalleled by many other substances. In fact, up until this point, bulletproof Kevlar was the hardest organic material ever discovered. Though Israeli researchers have forced Kevlar to take a back seat to a new material which is not only harder than Kevlar, ...

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Samsung Unveils Prescription 3D Glasses

The geek life is an ironic state of affairs. Most of us, and I’m speaking from at least seconds of research, have some sort of vision problem. Studies show that hours of staring at the computer screen can cause serious vision impairments, which hasn’t exactly worked out for us up until now. Bad vision meant an impaired 3D experience. Not ...

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Real-Time Augmented Reality Equips Your Home with a Holodeck

I envy Spock in so many aspects of life that it’s almost sad. I said almost! His odd, yet charming pointed ears, his vast intelligence and superior brain, his hot piece of space tail (Uhura), even his uncanny resemblance to Leonard Nimoy. But perhaps most of all, I envy his use of the Enterprise’s Holodeck. Amazingly, the RT2 chara AR ...

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