Is your neighbor one of those dickish pricks who just can’t be outdone during the holiday season. They make the best cookies, they create the coolest nativity scene, they put on the best light show, they just refuse to come in second. This year, beat them at their own game (or at least come in a close second) and save ...
Read More »Emerging Tech
Liquid Powered Battery Can Run for 10 Years
Batteries aren’t only a burden on your wallet, but they can cause some serious side-effects for the environment as well. Alternative methods are starting to pop-up, and this NoPoPo AA Battery is one of those. Powered by most any liquid, the NoPoPo Battery can last up to ten years on a single charge of simple H2O. In fact, if you ...
Read More »Solar-Powered Christmas Lights Save on Utilities
Al Gore, Barack Obama and now, there’s you. Trying to save the planet isn’t always an easy job, but somebody’s gotta do it. Well, these Christmas lights actually are pretty easy. The solar panels do all of the work. All you have to do is hang the lights and enjoy. Not only do you get to save a butt load ...
Read More »Synchronicity Island Purifies Water Using the Power of You
If we’re going to be enslaved, we might as well have a symbiotic relationship with our slave master. The Synchronicity Island� allows us to buff up our beautiful, if slightly flabby, bods while our cardio workout provides all of the power needed to purify water. Metaphorically turning water into wine, except the wine is actually more water. Powered by a ...
Read More »Necktie Made Out of Recycled Cassette Tapes
All of those cassette tapes being thrown into our trash dumps are really starting to add up. Piles and piles of Journey tapes lie waste, just waiting for a superhero to come and recycle them into a constructive use. If you don’t have the patience to create an artist’s likeness with the innards of a cassette, maybe these Recycled Cassette ...
Read More »World’s Largest Tree House is 10 Stories High
Known as the Minister’s Treehouse, Horace Burgess has created his massive tree-suspended abode which includes 10 floors of good ole’ forest living. Each floor measures on average between 9 and 11 feet in height. Between 8,000 and 10,000 square feet of flooring, completely made using reclaimed wood. Minister Burgess has funneled overly $12,000 of his own money into the project. ...
Read More »E-Rope Modular Power Strip
Power strips usually come in one shape and size. Not much you can do to make a power strip look sexy. The E-Rope concept turns each socket into a modular cube, which allows for assembly into any shape with any number of strips. E-Rope also helps cut-down on energy consumption. Even when a plug is plugged into the E-Rope socket, ...
Read More »Kinetically-Powered Rake Concept
Rury Vizcarra’s Power Rake takes the work out of yard work by adding kinetic power to the rake’s arsenal. Powered by the motion of the rake’s front wheels, the Power Rake’s conveyor belt system allows the leaves to be gathered smoothly, without the hitches of the traditional comb-and-handle rake. Oh, and you can adjust the handle height which is great ...
Read More »Xbox Controller Chair Made Out of Cardboard
Like a lot of geeks out there I have a constant stream of crap being shipped to me from various internet companies. But I’m getting sick of just chucking all of the cardboard away. There has to be something productive we can create using all of our excess boxes. And then I came across this and I had a “Eureka!” ...
Read More »Solar Cell-Coated Supertower to Be Higher Than Burj Dubai
We thought everything was bigger in Dubai. Santa Monica building designer Tommy Landau created a model for a 224-story supertower which could one day stand in Abu Dhabi. Hell, the model itself is almost as tall as a man. The structure, aside from far eclipsing the 2,600 ft. Burj Dubai, would be coated in solar cells which would allow the ...
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