Emerging Tech

Got Extra Eco Tote Bags? Turn Them Into Pillows

Like many of you, I’ve accumulated more eco fabric tote bags than I know what to do with. There is just no way I’d ever buy enough groceries to fill all of these things. So instead of wasting perfectly good fabric, why not use the bags to create something you’ll actually use? These DIY eco tote bag pillows are an ...

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Crafts for Alcoholics: Butterfly Beer Can and Vinyl Wall Art

One recycling bin is hardly enough to hold the refuse of a single distinguished alcoholic. The problem is that sometimes your local recycling service limits your recyclable volume to one measly container. That leaves plenty of empty beer cans ready to be transformed. Not an alcoholic himself, Paul Villinski had to resort to picking beer cans off of the street ...

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Lux Solar Necklace

What do you get when you combine Blade Runner, the Sun and Kate Moss?A piece of “jewelry” known as the Lux. It’s a solar panel necklace that you wear around at day and when night comes, the pretty white lights come on. With two hours of sunlight a day, you can light up the night bright as a kite for ...

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Google Hires Goats to Clean Their Land (Including Photographic Proof)

Google posted an article on their blog which sounds like a story straight from their April Fool’s Day archive. But no, they are not kidding, and the proof is shown above, photographically. Google has rented a herd of goats (not goatse) to clean the landscape of their Mountain View, California headquarters. Google has hired California Grazing, a company which specializes ...

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Abisko Washbasin Provides Extra Incentive To Save Water

While the Abisko Washbasin does a fine job of encouraging water conservation, I’d one-up this design and go a bit further. You see, the Abisko Washbasin uses an angled design which allows wasted water to flow its way down through a drainage grill installed in the floor. If you really wanted to encourage people to conserve water, you have to ...

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Green Star Wars Tees Are Encouraging

Saving the planet and Star Wars. What more could a geek want? Other than a Lucy Liu sex-bot, of course. The Jedi were always the ones that came off as the treehugger type. Darth and the rest of the dark side didn’t have much consideration for natural beauty. Perhaps never more evident than when he blows up Princess Leia‘s beautiful ...

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Build A Greenhouse Out of Plastic Bottles

Drink a shitload of bottled water or soda? Great. Stop throwing those empty bottles into the trash and put them to better use. Using Richard Bennett’s instructions, you’ll be able to build a greenhouse with those empty bottles and a few things from The Home Depot. Hey, if you can think of another way to use empty soda bottles, I’m ...

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Hustler Zeon All-Electric Lawnmower: Because We Can’t Afford A Tesla

Don’t get the wrong impression. We’re not total scrubs or anything. We just don’t have the kind of dough it takes to own a brand-new Tesla and that’s even considering the new and affordable Model S series. With that said, the Hustler Zeon is just as cool… really (come on, we need some sort of self-delusion to keep us content)! ...

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It’s Here: Tesla Model S Unveiled

Hope you fuckers have $50,000 sitting in your bank account because you’re going to need to make a withdrawal ASAP. The Tesla Model S is out and boy is she a beauty. Four doors of fury, all electric motor and a $49,000 base price. Did I mention Tesla is producing 20,000 units? This means you’ll be able to buy one ...

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