This green approach on dealing with industrial waste is called the Autoclave. It’s a self-sustaining trash sorter that can sort through 30 tons of waste in just two hours. It releases little to no emissions and at the same time can differentiate between glass, aluminum and anything else you might throw out. Trust us when we say it’ll find a ...
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Bondesque: The Backpack Inflatable Pontoon Boat
Camping can be a real blast with some buddies and cold brews, but tugging along a boat with you can be a real bitch, especially if you don’t have a trailer hitch on your car. Thankfully, the 21st century has given way to the Backpack Inflatable Pontoon Boat. In under 15 minutes, you can assemble a full pontoon boat for ...
Read More »Chalk Chess: Artfully Designed
Chalk Chess is the brainchild of UK design studio SUCK. Each piece is a piece of chalk that can be used to draw a chess board anywhere you please. Just draw a grid, color it in with your pieces and you’re ready to whoop anyone’s ass in a straight-thuggin’ game of chess. Though it’s just a prototype at the moment, ...
Read More »Ruby Red Slippers Made From Recycled Plastic
Want to feel like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz? Try a pair of these shoes on for size. Not only are they a paltry $55, they’re also made entirely from recycled plastic. A quilted insole keeps your feet comfy or about as comfy as a plastic shoe is ever going to get. It’s not half bad but if you’re ...
Read More »BLUE Keeps Kitchen Looking Trendy, Fruits Fresh
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone out and bought fresh fruit, only to have it mold by sitting in my refrigerator’s crisper drawer. It’s both a waste of food and money and can be quite frustrating at times. This is where BLUE enters the picture. BLUE will cleanse your fruits through emitting a special light that kills ...
Read More »Umbrella Stool Provides Dry Comfort
I don’t know why we’re so obsessed with umbrellas but I’m Gene Kelly would be proud. Take this Umbrella Stool. Going to an outdoor concert and skies are overcast? Check SimpleWeather (oh shit! a plug!) and grab your Umbrella stool. Not only will it keep your ass comfortable, it’ll also keep you dry in the event there’s a sudden downpour. ...
Read More »Peel-and-Stick Solar Panels
I really don’t see what the big deal is about saving energy. At home, we just ignore our electric bill until the company sends us a letter crying about paying them money. We send them some cash, they’re happy and the virtuous cycle repeats. Of course, not every tree-hugging citizen would agree and that’s why technologies like wind-based power plants ...
Read More »Heavy Metal: Huge, Sculpted Guitar For Sale
Rather than screwing around with butt plugs this weekend, spend your hard earned cash on this 12′ x 4′ sculpture of an acoustic guitar. Dubbed “Heavy Metal“, this work of art was created by artist extraordinarie Mike Schubert. It can be yours for the low price of who gives a shit. Link (via)
Read More »LightCap Transforms Your Trendy Nalgene Bottle Into A Firefly
If there’s one thing I love more than my three-floor condo and Lexus convertible, it has to be my Nalgene water bottle. Nothing screams “I’m white, in my 30s and living life to the max!” like a Nalgene-style water bottle. However, a conundrum exists that involves jogging at nighttime and passers-by not being able to recognize that you’re carrying a ...
Read More »MyHab: Your Own Personal Room To Bake Out
Readers, listen carefully. MyHab is supposed to act as a fresh take on disaster housing and while it achieves that goal perfectly, it has many other uses you can take into account. Aside from being composed of recycled materials, MyHab has a foam mattress, temperature insulation and a lockbox. These three factors make it the best drug den money can ...
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