
Memorial Day Pickings

What a week. We covered the 10 Worst Gaming Systems, looked at a unique way of applying grip tape and hated on Beer Pong for the Wii. No matter, considering many of you will be seeing the new Indiana Jones flick this weekend. Since many of you will be hitting the beach this weekend, I feel it’s my duty to ...

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Sorry to Disappoint, Fanboys

A lot of you are under the impression that the consoles I selected for my 10 Worst Gaming Consoles of All Time post were chosen for the fact that I simply don’t like them. You couldn’t be further from the truth with that assumption. The Nokia N-Gage being a portable console and my half-assed rant aside, I believe that in ...

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The 10 Worst Video Game Consoles Of All Time

UPDATE 5/21: Make sure to check out this post, too: Sorry to Disappoint, Fanboys. The console wars were more ferocious than any other war in history. You could say they top the Vietnam War, but you won’t. Many companies would rise and fall through the video game crash of 1983, yet only one would prevail to be the most terrible. ...

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Gearfuse Interviews: Evan Dorkin

Whether you’re into comics or an avid Adult Swim fan, you’re bound to run into Evan Dorkin’s work. Creator of the absurd, yet hilarious Milk and Cheese and Dork! series along with the television show Welcome to Eltingville, his artwork is both unique and twisted with humor, violence and tasteless jokes. Needless to say, we’re fans. We asked Evan to ...

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Considering Blu-Ray? Go with the Playstation 3

I’ve written many an opinion column on why the Playstation 3 is the best console out there. After HD DVD died, my argument was strengthened further. Ryan then put the nail in the coffin by confirming that the only BD Live-enabled player on the market right now is the PS3. A lot of talk has gone on revolving around the ...

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How To Plan Your Own GTA IV Crime Spree

Grand Theft Auto mania is running wild, brother! We figured in the spirit of the game’s release, many of you hooligans are either feeling the game so much that you’ve got your own little real life crime spree planned, or you’re so scared from the game’s contents, that you’re ready to go all out military protection and armor down the ...

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Sharing Is Caring!

Social networking and microblogging are fast becoming among the top ways for individuals to interact. I’ve become pretty active on Twitter the last few weeks, and want to talk to YOU. Yes, YOU! Got a question? Just want to chat? Follow me. — Andrew Dobrow Andrew Dobrow’s Twitter — Andrew Dobrow

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8 Geeky Product And Gadget Combos Of Curiosity

There has been a metaphorical shit-storm of weird products recently, combining odd branding with some of the most obscure of gadgets. And while dropping a brand name on a box in order to sell a few more products isn’t necessarily rare, some of these branding combos are pretty out of this world. The eight gadgets which follow are not only ...

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The 12 Coolest Extreme Clocks That You’ll Never Own

Clocks are one of those gadgets that we don’t realize how important they are to our lives until we are left without one. Luckily, most cellphones these days come with a clock and alarm built right in, but for some people, this just isn’t enough. Some of us need that little (or sometimes, huge) extra boost of motivation to pull ...

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