Cuddly isn’t exactly a word I would usually use to describe Darth Vader. Sure, he had strong arms and broad shoulders, but that’s beyond the point. He’s just not the cuddling type. Now Chewy on the other hand. He could be my cuddle partner any night. That’s right, I like my Wookies just like I prefer my women; rough and ...
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What Would Megan Fox Look Like As Catwoman?
The answer is simple. Really, really hot. I like a little sex appeal mixed in with my feline superheros and Megan Fox, who starred in both Transformers movies, is the sexiest damn woman in Hollywood at the moment. This mock-up wallpaper fulfills our fantasies by placing the foxy Fox in the iconic Catwoman mask. The rumor of her taking the ...
Read More »Short Review: iMainGo 2 Portable Speaker System Adds iPhone Compatibility
Back in 2007 we had the opportunity to review the iMainGo Portable iPod Speaker System, which at the time, sent ripples of excitement though the MacWorld crowd. No more did we have to lug around a clunky pair of speakers just so we could hear some tunes somewhere other than inside our own homes. iMainGo was nice enough to ship ...
Read More »Chainmail Chess Set
I’ve had chess sets destroyed, maliciously sacked by an epic battle rudely interrupting a game in mid-turn. I swore that it will NEVER happen again. I refuse to lose a game in progress just because I’m on a crusade for religious freedom. This Chainmail Chess Set is made of the same stuff I use to protect myself from sword wounds ...
Read More »Chihuanhas Will Be an Epic Movie
What do you do when you’re attacked by a Chihuahua / Piranha hybrid monster? We might finally know the answer with the upcoming 2010 monster film Chihuanhas. It’s sort of like Jaws meets Taco Bell. And what could the tagline for this movie possibly be? “They’re not just ankle biters anymore…” Of course, of course. Hit the jump for some ...
Read More »Weirdest. High Five. Ever.
The weirdest high five ever might also be the coolest. AND… it’s available on a hoodie, of course, for $38. The high five is so weird and so rare that explosions randomly occur in the background when it happens. Hyperbole is the best thing ever. Link [via]
Read More »The Buzz versus The Bulge: Caffeine vs. Calorie Chart Proves You’re a Fatty
I’m sort of an odd breed of geek. I haven’t drank a significant amount of caffeine, meaning more than a sip of Coke, in more than two years. I know that most of you probably down energy drinks like they’re water, so you might like to see this visual representation of the ratio between caffeine and calories for certain favorite ...
Read More »Wonder Woman Reebok Sneakers
I can’t be too sure whether these are women’s exclusive or if dudes can rock these bad boys as well. I don’t care how queer it might sound, I would totally rock a pair of these. I’d rock them like a hurricane. I’d rock them like a lobster. I’d rock them like Zeppelin. You get the point? Even if they ...
Read More »Dude Builds A House (Yes, A House) Out of LEGO Bricks
Former GEARFUSE editor and resident GEARhead, Vince Veneziani, was kind enough to tip us off to this awesome project by Barnaby Gunning, who designed this insanely insane house made entirely of LEGO bricks, not just repaired with the bricks, like we’ve seen in the past. Insane. Oobject has the low down on the house with an interview with the architect ...
Read More »Retro Arcade Game Messenger Bags
For people who grew up on games like Pac-Man, Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders and Super Mario Bros. these Retro Arcade Game Messenger Bags are like a little piece of heaven. I’m a geek, which means I tote a lot of crap around with me wherever I go. My camera, a book or two, my various electronics, a moleskine, so ...
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