If The Simpsons were an average family from Angola, rather than Springfield, things would be a hell of a lot different. Well, maybe not too different. Other than their skin, hair and dress, everything seems to be in typical Simpsons condition. Santa’s Little Helper? Check. Couch? Check. Afro pick? AFRO PICK?! NOOOOOO! Link
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Shrine Rack Shows Off Your Shoes Like Your Finest Pinot
Some people get really overly excited about their shoes. I mean, yeah, we love our cool shoes over here at Gearfuse, but not quite this much. The Shine Rack allows shoe fans to show off their finest pairs of kicks right on their wall. It’s sort of like a wine rack, but with less wine and more foot fungus. Each ...
Read More »Coffee Ashtray Merges Coffee and Cigarettes Closer Than Ever
Many are familiar with this essential pair. What would the morning be without a cigarette and a strong cup of hot joe? Miserable is what it would be. Mixing your love for coffee, carcinogens, and saving the Earth, this Coffee Ashtray is a green alternative to the material of your other ashtrays, made with compressed coffee grounds. Just as long ...
Read More »iPod Shuffle and Apple Remote Smashed Into One Device
An ingenious DIYer noticed that the second generation iPod Shuffle and the Apple Remote have a similar shape. So similar that the two devices could be merged together with some crafty electronic finagling. When headphones are connected to the Shuffle / Remote mash-up device, the gadget works as the music player. Without headphones, the device carries the features of an ...
Read More »Rocking Lounger Bed Calms My Aching Hips
Being an old woman is tough on my aching muscles. My osteoporosis causes hellish pain in my bones. By the end of the day I need a comfy spot to rest my aging body with a nice mug of hot cocoa. This Rocking Bed is� like a rocking chair except I can lay down, sort of like the cradle my ...
Read More »Headphone Jack Plug Necklace
True audiophiles love everything about the art of music and the process of listening to it. They love to advertise their insane sound prowess, rather it be with snobby and ultra complex non sequiturs or t-shirts advertising their love for sound. These Jack Plug Necklaces, available in 24-karat gold plating, would surely transmit some awesome audio, if they were made ...
Read More »Sitar Hero T-Shirt: Ravi Shankar and George Harrison Fans Rejoice
Music fans who prefer the sounds of Ravi Shankar to Metallica might prefer the game Sitar Hero, rather than Rock Band and Guitar Hero, or even Washboard Hero. If this game existed, would it be a hit? Possibly in India. I don’t think the sitar is a major player in American pop culture. The Love Guru didn’t help too much. ...
Read More »Glow-In-The-Dark Skeleton Combat Boots
Combat boot specialists Doc Marten have unveiled their awesome “The Skelly” pair of glow-in-the-dark combat boots. Even if you haven’t had the chance to rot in the ground for a few millenia, you can still feel like a hardcore undead creature walking among the living. Damn air breathers. The coolest feature is that your bones will have a special talent ...
Read More »iPod Slide Concept Design
The classic iPod design has been standard for so long that even Apple calls the original iPod the iPod Classic. The iPod Slide concept updates the iPod Classic design while keeping all of the device’s classic elements intact. It just makes the classic design a little more… compact. Allowing the iPod to slide sort of like those slide phones that ...
Read More »Two-Sided Game Boy iPhone Skin
We came across Infectious, a site which allows their users to submit there own iPhone skins and lets the other users vote whether the skin is included in their store. It’s sort of like the Threadless of gadget skins. While peeking around the site we came across this awesome Game Boy iPhone skin, complete with a dual sided design. The ...
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