Georbes Seurat’s famous pointillism painting, “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte,” recreated in modern times with modern photography. I always thought this painting was by Monet. Shows how cultured I am. Link
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Bento Jewelry
The creation of bento is just as much an art as creating a painting or a piece of jewelry. So integrating the art of bento box creation and jewelry shouldn’t be that tough, but yet, no one had done it, until now. This awesome Bento Jewelry by Carolyn Tille features realistic pieces of sushi and other related Bento foods, integrated ...
Read More »Where Babies Come From, According to Portal
The stork is a lie. Link [via]
Read More »iPhone Dinosaur Dock
Thankfully, the maker of this project chose a herbivore to work with, rather than say a Raptor or T-Rex. No missing fingers for us. The iPhone Dinosaur Dock is the result of the stripping of a Brachiosaurus toy, replacing its innards with a bunch of tasty gadgetry. The iPhone Dinosaur Dock is most comfortable in its natural habitat, peering through ...
Read More »WiSpi EX30 Wireless Spy Cam Keeps an Eye Out For Your Boss
So, you’re chilling out in your cube, looking at porn or playing solitaire, or doing whatever it is you do when you’re supposed to be working. It’d suck to have your boss sneak in while you were slacking away. The WiSpi EX30 from Brickhouse lets you secretly set up a wireless camera within 30 feet of your cube, or wherever ...
Read More »Star Wars Finger Puppets
These googly eyed Star Wars Finger Puppets would be awesome for performing a one-man puppet show, recreating the Star Wars trilogy in its entirety. Sure, there might be a very small audience sitting through the whole thing, but imagine the epicness. Each puppet costs about $1 to make, factoring in the cost of the felt and a few drops of ...
Read More »“Things Better Than Boobs” Book is Predictably Short
At only 128 pages (which is surprisingly lengthy and likely filled with awful lies) the book “Things Better Than Boobs” sounds like it’s about 125 pages too long. This book would be great for reading on the john. Maybe as a coffee table book? Screw guests, this is for me. Though I’m suspicious of anything that promises more than they ...
Read More »What We Need is More Blind Artists
That’s what this world is lacking. Blind artists. No, I’m not talking people who would think are blind because of their awful color schemes. I’m talking straight up blind people. Don’t they have, like, a sixth (well, fifth for them) sense? The Touch Color device allows blind people to create their own colorful works of art, using braille and tactile ...
Read More »OMG YES! Star Wars Zombie Novel
We’ve already seen such classics as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. But this is a classic of a whole new sub-genre. The first ever zombie Star Wars novelization, titled Death Troopers by Joe Schreiber, will feature hoardes of zombie Storm Troopers. Something tells me that they will prefer Jedi brains. I’m way too ...
Read More »Umbrella Made of X-Rays
After spending so much cash on x-rays, they usually wind up in some abandoned file, strewn in a closet or junk drawer. Take advantage of your old lady osteoporosis bones and at least use them for something. It might not be the most polite umbrella, but it’s something. Hope you have good medical insurance! You’ll need it to save up ...
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