If your home is frequented by children who love climbing your furnishings and eating paint chips and other odd fixtures, or by obese friends or family who are known to munch on anything they can get their fingers on, the Melted LEGO Lamp is probably not the best lighting fixture to showcase in your home. The melted LEGO pieces look ...
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Persian Carpet Puzzle Is Hypnotically Bad Colored
Persian rugs are ridiculously expensive. I mean come on, it’s not like the damn things are entwined with Pamela Anderson’s pubic shavings (or even diamonds) or something. If you’ve always wanted a Persian rug, but can’t afford that kind of carpeting luxury, then until now you were shit out of luck. The Persian Carpet Puzzle concept is a much cheaper ...
Read More »Evil Lego Head Must Protect John Connor
With inspiration clearly drawn from the Terminator, this Evil Lego Machine Head was made by a Lego fanboy. While it might not be much competition to Nathan Sawaya’s incredible brick art, the Machine Head is actually pretty haunting looking. We wonder if it’s like one of those paintings that is looking at you no matter what angle you are looking ...
Read More »Photon Light Skateboard Reminds Us Why We Love Shiny Things
Whenever I see a skateboard, I can’t help but drift down memory lane to circa 1995, when me and my homies were chilling on the curb, sipping on Gatorade, trying to work out how to get our damn skateboards off the concrete without breaking our necks. Every time we tried to perform the simplest trick, we would fall on our ...
Read More »Alarme Is Helen Keller-Chic
Alarme is a concept watch made for the hearing impaired. While we love poking fun at the handicapped just like any other average scum bag, we would never wish death upon one because of their disability (unless they were really, really mean cripples.) Alarme is unique in the fact that it can alert those who cannot hear an audible alarm ...
Read More »Custom Halo Transformer: So Cool, The World Might Implode
While browsing around eBay, we came upon this incredible custom Halo Transformer. We nearly shat our collective panties. The Transformers Custom Master Chief (AKA Spartan Prime) APC 117 Armored Personnel Carrier (*huff, huff, that was a long one, breathe) has multiple points of articulation and is fully sealed so you can put him in funky poses. The Master Chief himself ...
Read More »I Now Pronounce You, Nut And Bolt
While the female/male innuendo of the Nut And Bolt Wedding Rings keeps me thinking about the honeymoon, the idea behind the concept is a pretty cool one. Having a ring made of building hardware is something only a family of construction workers could use and not seem totally obscure. The idea is a romantic one. Lovers becoming screwed together like ...
Read More »Really Girly Swarovski M Player Is Really Girly, Surprisingly Not From Hello Kitty
I have to say, woman are interested in some of the tackiest gadgets of all time, most of which carry the Hello Kitty branding. The Mickey Mouse shaped M Player just got shoved down a notch in my book of classiness (which I keep handy at all times.) With the “ears” decked in fruity Swarovski crystals, and brandishing a revolting ...
Read More »Take To The Sea With The Pyle Seagoing Media Center
Screw water. There, I said it. If it weren’t for the fact that us you humans need water to survive, we would surely despise the stuff. Always getting inside of our gadgets and causing problems. Psh. Whatevz. For all of you solo pirates out there, Pyle has put together their Seadoo with a full media center, made for wave riding. ...
Read More »Test Pattern Wall Clock Better Not Come With That Annoying Test Tone
This is only a test. *beeeeeeeeeep* Late night TV viewers are sure to be very familiar with the tests that TV stations perform in case of an emergency. Followed by an extremely obnoxious beeping tone. The Test Pattern Wall Clock takes the novelty of emergency testing, and slams it right into your living decor. While we never quite understood why ...
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