[ev type=”youtube” data=”-kwjYSn03-M”][/ev] While the iTeddy isn’t the first product attempt at luring children into the tech world, it’s most definitely the cuddliest. The products site exclaims to “‘bear’ with them” because the site is still under development, but if the iTeddy isn’t the cutest damn MP3 player ever made then I don’t know what is. Downloads for the iTeddy ...
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ABC News Confirms: Sirius and XM merger is for real
ABC News has confirmed that satellite radio companies Sirius and XM are in fact close to a merger deal. With rumors floating around all day on a possible merger of the two super companies, ABC is the first major news media to confirm the rumors. Stay tuned for the latest Sirius/XM news. — Andrew Dobrow XM and Sirius near merger ...
Read More »USB Photo Cube for squares
There must be a USB for just about everything nowadays, but we are still yet to get sick of the wacky USB creations companies keep releasing. Here is the USB Desktop Digital Photo Cube. A cube that connects through any USB port and stores up to 30 of your photos, serving as a little desktop nook. The picture is really ...
Read More »Pixel art made with Rubik Cubes: Geekiest art form ever?
After coming across this art project using Rubik Cubes to create pixel art, we are pretty positive he have found the geekiest art form of all time. The innovations and uses of this classic strategy game never ceases to amaze, and these pixel portraits are no exception. The Space Invader artist is also known for their “urban invasion” of various ...
Read More »Could you live without your computer for 24 hours? Try it on Shutdown Day
March 24 could be a challenge for those who want to partake in Shutdown Day. What is Shutdown Day? Are they going to shutdown Grandma’s life support? No, no worries. But the challange you must face, might ultimately be harder than losing a loved one. That’s right. We’re talking about not going on the computer….for a complete 24 hours. The ...
Read More »The $6500 1GB MP3 Player: Gresso Symphonia Collection
Luxury mobile phone manufacturer Gresso has announced its newest snobby gadget. For people who expect nothing less then the finest materials comes the Gresso Symphonia Collection MP3 Player. What can possibly make a 1GB MP3 that expensive, you ask? You know we got your answer. With four different models, the Symphonia’s will be made with your choice of Blackwood and ...
Read More »Skull and Crossbone Toaster: Arrrgh, we hunger for jam, and then it’s a trip to the poop deck
We wonder if it was something like this that helped aid those eBay sellers in creating Jesus faced toast. The Skull and Crossbone Toaster brings you the best in pirate themed bread products. Branding a toasty skull symbol on the side of your breakfast. Isn’t a skull and crossbone the international sign for poison? Is that really something we want ...
Read More »Sharp EM ONE handheld for eMobile, new Japanese carrier
Today on the Japan mobile front. ADSL infrastructure company eAccess has announced its new mobile carrier for Japan, eMobile. For now, they will carry only one phone. The Sharp EM ONE. eMobile will skim its way into the Japanese market in March with a data-only HSDPA service, which by 2008 should grow to voice data as well. The Sharp EM ...
Read More »Kick-Off Automatic Crash Recovery: The BSOD’s are coming for you!
No matter how much RAM or other hardware you shove in to your case, no computer system is immune from it. That’s right…a computer crash. Any system can burst at the seems with the high performance of our Web 2.0 world. It’s nice to have the knowledge to know that even though your system might crash, at least you don’t ...
Read More »Botanicalls gives your plants a voice
Not since Audrey the talking plant from Little Shop Of Horrors exclaimed “Feed me, Seymour!” have we heard of talking plants. Though, Botanicalls brings us one step closer to having flower-to-person communication (F2P?). Botanicalls is essentially a soil moisture sensor implanted in your flower pot, made with only two nails and a circuit, which sends information about the plants vitals ...
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