In our modern times of identity theft, phreaking, phone tapping, and lord knows what else, its good to feel secure with the people we talk too. The GSMK CryptoPhone is the secure answer for the PDA. The Tri-band phone runs Windows Mobile 5.0, has a 2.8 inch TFT LCD touchscreen, a 1.3 MP CMOS camera, and multimedia support for audio ...
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Ceiling Fan Duster keeps you safe on the ground
We usually have our ladies do all the cleaning for us, since we seem so incapable of doing so ourselves. Those damn people at Brookstone are trying to ruin all of our fun. They had to go and create this Ceiling Fan Duster to make the job easier. It makes those high places a snap to dust when you ...
Read More »Hands on with the Rhinoskin MacBook Pro Hardcase
Many laptop cases do not protect the laptop they are carrying. What if someone was to bump into you and the laptop was to fall to the floor? Well, if you were using the new Rhinoskin MacBook Pro Hardcase, you wouldn’t have to worry about a thing! Because of its durable ABS hardcase, it will not break. So it won’t ...
Read More »HTC wants to merge with SonyEricsson and make babies
“Mobiltillverkaren HTC, v ¤xer lika snabbt som Sony Ericsson. Bolaget ¤r kund till Ericsson och i en intervju med s ¤ger vd:n och grundaren Peter Chou att han g ¤rna pratar samg ¥ende med Sony Ericsson” What is that supposed to mean? Yeah we wondered too, apparently the founder and CEO of HTC, Peter Chou expressed his interest in ...
Read More »Spotted: Sharp HSDPA slider prototype for European market, plus more insider gossips
A lot of Sharp fans are worried because they have not heard any news from Sharp at 3GSM this year, no new models at all apart from minor facelifts. As told by our insider 2 months ago, it’s about time we expect something from the Japanese company. Itmedia spotted this HSDPA (3.6Mbps) slider prototype at the 3GSM Sharp booth, a ...
Read More »Chap Stick USB, for the technologically embarrassed
If you are so ashamed of having a USB flash drive that you feel the need to hide it in a Chap Stick tube, maybe you shouldn’t have on in the first place. While this mod is certainly a good idea if you happen to be an undercover CIA agent and you need to get some confidential information, you might ...
Read More »My heart only has space for 256MB
As if we don’t have enough valentine’s gift ideas, Solid Alliance Japan has started selling this heart-shaped USB thumbdrive, and to our surprise, it can only hold 256MB, this is so 90’s. Next time when you pick a gift, you might as well want to look at the practicability, 256MB can hold over 60 corny love songs. 20 bucks, ...
Read More »nDoo or not nDoo? That is the concept: Nanotechnology in 2047
Designer Patrick Gunther takes a mix of fantasy and possible futuristic medicine and has designed some prototypes for what he envisions nanotechnology to look like in the future. Gunther thinks that in only forth years time, we might have nanotechnology capable of swimming through our bloodstream, acting as a man-made immune system. AIDS and other immunity deficient diseases would become ...
Read More »The Ex- Knife Holder: Bah, we’ll give ya Valentine’s Day spirit!
All divrocee’s….RUN! No, but seriously this thing is frightening. ThinkGeek has this, um, interesting Knife Holder. It could be used as either a Valentine’s Day gag gift (for next year, of course) or an ultra serious gift. Expect very different reactions depending on who you give it too. The five razor sharp knives included in this set are impaling this ...
Read More »The Milk: The dairy inspired iPod of desks and luxury home for fish
Many people don’t put a lot of focus on their desk or workspace, but really it should be more important then it is to some people. You gotta sit there all day so you might as well be happy with your accommodations. The Milk is a table built for a king, or in this case, a geek. As it says ...
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