It seems like you can make a Guinness World Record out of any feat these days. Last year, 381 Australian kids set the Guinness World Record for simultaneous Nintendo DS playing. I wonder if there’s a Guinness World Record for most people standing around in Times Square with a thumb in their ass. Tomorrow, members of a UK DS fan ...
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MMO’s Are Serious Business
In Japan, you apparently can be charged with illegal access of a computer and manipulating electronic data if found guilty of intentionally “killing” someone’s MMO character. Some guy divorced his online wife’s avatar in Maple Story and in her anger she killed his character. Now, she faces a prison sentence of up to five years or a fine of up ...
Read More »Logitech’s Premiere Edition Wireless Guitar Is Nicer Than The Real Thing
Yes! Even more Guitar Hero guitars that, much like the players, try desperately hard to be the real thing. This time around, Logitech is releasing the gorgeous Wireless Guitar Controller Premiere Edition for $250. Screw spending the $250 on a real guitar. Real guitars are for old people. As far as fake guitars go, this thing leaves all the other ...
Read More »SOCOM: Confrontation Wasted My Time!
Note: This in-depth review of SOCOM: Confrontation was done by my brother, Dave. Can you believe this shit? Where does Sony get off selling an online game that doesn’t work online, let alone a game that sucks ass when the online does momentarily work. You know what the game box is good for? A plate for my pizza. That’s it. ...
Read More »Next Generation Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots
Here’s a new take on the classic Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots toy everyone remembers from when they were young. Tamiya�s Robocraft boxing robots are very much like the classic game, except you build the bots yourself. Sure, they might not look like “Bolt Crusher Bob” and “Gear Grinder Greg” but they’re just as fun. Each robot operates on a ...
Read More »The Old Republic Without The Knights
Star Wars MMO, round two! LucasArts managed to completely destroy any redeeming concept that a MMORPG held in the Star Wars universe, with help from Sony Online Entertainment. Forget Star Wars Galaxies because a new Star Wars MMO has been announced and it’s going to take place in the time frame of Star Wars: The Knights Of The Old Republic. ...
Read More »Wrath Of The Lich King Manual Leaked
If you just so happen to play World Of Warcraft all day and night, then you obviously have the game installed on your computer. Did you know that you have access to the Wrath Of The Lich King game manual before the game has been released? Well, you do. Blizzard either underestimates the nosiness of its players or they just ...
Read More »World Of Warcraft Custom Guild Tabard Shirt
Some people who play World Of Warcraft have more friends in-game than in the real world. Typically, when one has built up enough friends online, they form a guild. Once everyone has decided on a guild tabard, it’s time to show off a little guild pride by flaunting the virtual garment around a virtual city. But what if your guild ...
Read More »Red Ring O’ Lantern
There are few things scarier than a politician on Halloween, except for the red ring of death. Alan Penner of Goleta, California carved a ton of tech-inspired pumpkins for his front porch. A Ubuntu pumpkin and various emoticon carvings decorate his lawn, with the red ring of death being the most frightening of all. With all the new games coming ...
Read More »Electronic Rubik’s Cube No One Will Buy
While digitizing a Rubik’s cube would offer little more than confusion and frustration, at least it’s a one-up from Hasbro’s Lights Out. However, it is not a one-up from the original design of the Rubik’s cube, which is a classic amongst puzzle games worldwide. Rubik’s cubes were always the cheap toy you could throw around when you couldn’t solve it, ...
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