Other than the cool robot factor, we don’t understand why you would want a Guitar Heronoid. Isn’t the point of the game to beat it yourself? If you want high score bragging rights, leaving it up to a robot seems like cheating big time. Though, in any case, this Guitar Hero robot is capable of mastering even the most expert ...
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No More Moore: Peter leaves Microsoft for EA
Microsoft announced today that Peter Moore, head of XBox and video games for the company, has decided to resign from his post under Bill Gates’ ruling regime. Moore now sets his sails to the promised land, Electric Arts’ EA Sports brand. The image above shows Moore furiously throwing the XBox into a ceremonial pit of fire. Of EA Sports, Moore ...
Read More »iPhone gets a Dungeons and Dragons dice roller online app
How could it possibly get any geeky than this? The iPhone is pretty geeky all on its own, but more so in a trendy geek kind of way. But now it’s time to mix some nerdiness into the pot as well. D&D Roller is an online app for the iPhone which allows you to roll virtual dice. To be quite ...
Read More »DIY: NES controller meets Motorola SLVR
The hustle and bustle over the iPhone has left news about any other phones in the dust. With a gadget like the iPhone around, what else matters?! DIY’s we say! This gaming modder took the innards of a Motorola SLVR and stuffed them into a stripped NES controller. As you can see, holding up a NES controller to your ear ...
Read More »Wall of Pong uses fricken laser beams
It doesn’t get much more classic than Pong. We’ve seen the game immortalized in the form of a watch, and of course the game that inspired it, Ping Pong, is one of the most popular home played games, but this is just so damn cool. This self-made “Wall Of Pong” was made by a senior at Cornell University for an ...
Read More »World of Warcraft to integrate voice chat
Guess what Vent users. Your beloved Ventrillo server my not have a place anymore. Blizzard has announced that voice chat will be integrated into popular MMO World of Warcraft. What was originally done on private Vent servers will now be able to be done with an in-game add on. Chatting with your guild members is one thing, but when it ...
Read More »The multi-console wedding cake
When GameDaily contributor Carol Orsini decided to get hitched to a non-gamer, there was bound to be a few kinks along the chain. But one thing’s for sure. She was not going to have a non-gaming themed wedding. The multi-consoled cake features 4 different consoles, the Xbox, the Xbox 360, PS2, and topped with the limited edition gold Zelda Gamecube. ...
Read More »Atari Flashback Portable prototype gets spyed on
While Atari might have been even a little before our time in gaming glory, we appreciate it as much as other geeks. The prototype for the Atari Flashback Portable, which is now a confirmed product rather than a conceptual piece, looks like one really functional handheld console. The handheld itself looks not much bigger than the game cartridges themselves, and ...
Read More »Transformers: The Cake
Only so many men are manly enough to put in this much time into a baked good. The Optimus Prime Transformers cake was painstakingly detailed over a period of 26 hours, 4 for the planning, and 22 for the baking and icing. With a total cost of supplies equaling about $85, if you don’t include the mental anguish, the Optimus ...
Read More »Experts say gaming is no addiction
A proposal this past Sunday that would have made gaming addiction an actual disorder was shut down at the American Medical Associations annual meeting. “There is nothing here to suggest that this is a complex physiological disease state akin to alcoholism or other substance abuse disorders, and it doesn’t get to have the word addiction attached to it,” said Dr. ...
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