The link for this auction now reads as an invalid link, but GOD DAMN! The auction was for over 1,500 games! That’s including greatest hits and longbox duplicates, as well as multi-region hardware, rare special editions, promotional materials, and dev kits. There is just no competition for a bigger, better Playstation collection. Shockingly, the above photo was only a fraction ...
Read More »Gaming
PSP and GPS combine to create the perfect golf caddy
Sony announced today its virtual golf caddy for the PSP, titled Minna No Golf Jo or Everybody’s Golf Course. Combining the PSP’s GPS transmitter with the physical sport of golf will insure that you never have to tip a crappy caddy to give you bad advice ever again. Minna No Golf Jo will provide in-depth info about shot distances and ...
Read More »Next-gen arcade games to be all touchy-feely
The Megatouch Elite Edge ION might looks more like a slot machine than something you’d see in an arcade, but the ION is what we might see being added to the arcade floor in the near future. Featuring a 15-inch touch screen, a joystick, some stunning 3D graphics, and a collection of 102 games (ranging from puzzles to sports and ...
Read More »Make your own Rubik Cake: Mmm, Mmm…Puzzling!
We have seen our fair share of cool geeky cakes, but this is the first one we have seen that comes with a tutorial to actually make it yourself. This Rubik Cube Cake is truly as cool as the arctic tundra. Just plain geek-o-rific. Using some skilled frosting cutting and lots of strategically placed food coloring, you to can win ...
Read More »Go goes OLED and ultra-portable
The game is called Go, but you might know it better as Chinese Chess. This design concept creates a foldable Go board which rolls up like a scroll, and is played through a OLED display. The Go board uses the traditional Chinese calligraphy along with a painted open-book system of playing. Go and impress your friends (no pun intended) at ...
Read More »Get that right, PS3 is made in Koera, not Korea nor Japan!
This is no April’s fool joke, but the above picture shows a real product label of a device named PS3 that is made in the mysterious country of Koera. Strangely enough there is also an IMEI code. Jump to find out more.
Read More »Chuck Norris eats orcs for breakfast
When I first saw this, I was all like, “Wow!”. And it turns out I was right. It seems as though Chuck Norris has transformed himself into a WoW character, to fully take advantage of his roundhouse kicks and kick some PvP ass. While the WoW version of Chuck seems slightly more buff than its human counterpart, we’re sure the ...
Read More »It’s official!: Starcraft 2 announced, we’ve got the ultimate beginner’s guide, screenshots, CGI trailer video
9 long years after Starcraft’s release, the long awaited sequel has finally been announced. The riot squad held position as the announcement was made in South Korea, in preparation for the blood bath that could of been over the excitement of the next Blizzard release. Here’s the down low on the game Very intelligently, Starcraft 2 will not be a ...
Read More »Soroban DS: Abacus for DS
The Japanese love their abacuses. Japanese children are taught from a very young age how to be abacus pros. Soroban DS (soroban=abacus in Jap lingo), is the first ever full length game focused around the love of the abacus. Soroban DS will allow gamers to practice their mad abacus skillz while chilling around with their DS. The only catch? Users ...
Read More »Starcraft 2 site sighted and cited
Blizzard can’t help but tease the eager public, but we ask of them, “For the love of God, PLEASE stop teasing us!” is now an official site, which redirects to the Blizzard homepage. So is there cover totally blown now for the announcement of Starcraft 2? Maybe, maybe not. This could be Blizzard’s way of differing us from the ...
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