Asus has announced its Aquatank graphics card. A new option for cooling an overclocked GeForce 8800GTX card with a water cooling method. The new Aquatank is said to run 12 degrees cooler then a reference thermal module. The Aquatank clears out warm water from an overclocking 8800GTX, enabling the GeForce graphics to be up to 11 percent faster then when ...
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Thanko USB Wiimote Charger
Thanko Japan’s USB Wiimote Charger is something many gamers have been waiting for. Having to go out to the store to buy new batteries twice a week just isn’t cutting it for us Wii players. The USB Charger comes with a cradle, a special Nickel battery, and a battery cover compatible with the charger. The charger works on any USB ...
Read More »Nokia N-Gage 2.0? Say it isn’t so!
We hoped that when Gizmondo went under, the N-Gage device from Nokia would follow suit. And for all intensive purposes, it did. Or so we thought. Word is spreading from the Nokia N-Gage official blog that the N-Gage 2.0 is coming. Word to Nokia: If you are going to release another multi-funtional device, fine, but don’t give it the same ...
Read More »New footage of flOw, pretty as ever
flOw, it’s that game that Sony promised for the launch of the PS3, that looked so amazing, and wound up getting pushed back to the end of February. Now, it’s not like anyone was too suprised by this (sadly), but if this game is pushed back again, they had better give away a free movie with it when it comes ...
Read More »New Nvidia cards integrate DirectX 10 for under $200
The phrase “budget gaming” has become less of an oxymoron as of late, but it is still a stretch. It all really just depends on your definition of budget. With Vista at your local BestBuy, what is there for a PC builder to do but grab the latest hardware and make the next screamer? That’s when money becomes a problem. ...
Read More »Burger King’s newest way to lure children is working, video games selling
There’s no shame left for the fast-food industry. Instead of subliminally trying to get kids to eat their food and come to their restaurants, now they are just putting it right in peoples faces. And the scary thing is it seems to be working. Burger King’s stocks are up 40%, which is directly related to the video game releases of ...
Read More »PS3 ads in Xbox 360 game: Too friggen funny
Microsoft can’t cut themselves a break these last few days. They haven’t really been doing a good job of helping that fact either. In this preview screenshot from the recently announced UEFA Xbox 360 game, an add for the Playstation 3 can be plainly seen in the background. Microsoft probably should of scoped out the UEFA’s sponsers before signing on ...
Read More »Video Game Symphony: An orchestral voyage through Mario
[ev type=”google” data=”8169033819829939284″][/ev] We have tried and tried and tried and tried to enjoy classical music. Most classical just puts us asleep, but there are a select few composers and songs which peak our interest. Of course, there are the dynamic sounds of Beethoven and the beautiful structure of Mozart, but our favorite is the great people at Nintendo. Please, ...
Read More »Splitfish asserts ability to rumble feature for Sixaxis
While the PS3 has the highest price of any of the 3 next-gen consoles, as of yet, it hasn’t done too much to impress the market in terms of rising up above the Xbox 360. On topic here, the issue of the leaving behind of the DualShock’s rumble feature. A company named Splitfish has claimed that they have the capabilities ...
Read More »Sony firmware 3.1 just fixes hacks
So for you few but growing number of Sony PSP owners, you are probably used to the flow up firmware upgrades. While constant firmware upgrades usually seem to signify a progression in usability, in this case it seems to be more about the fixing of hacks and workarounds. Nothing new with version 3.1 of PSP firmware which has been released. ...
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