So for you few but growing number of Sony PSP owners, you are probably used to the flow up firmware upgrades. While constant firmware upgrades usually seem to signify a progression in usability, in this case it seems to be more about the fixing of hacks and workarounds. Nothing new with version 3.1 of PSP firmware which has been released. ...
Read More »Gaming
Tarantula keyboard gives you the upper edge on the n00bs
Keyboards take the most physical abuse from us gamers. The constant pounding during games, then followed by the unnecessary slam when a damn n00b gets lucky with a sniper rifle. Your keyboard is what can make all the difference when you need to punch out those complex key combos to blow everyone up. The Tarantula gamers keyboard takes this into ...
Read More »Every 8-Bit NES game being sold in one absurdly huge auction on e-Bay
Read More »Rumor: Ninja Team possibly hacked Wii to play backups
Ever heard of the Ninja Team? If not, here’s a quick briefing, they are the subjects of quite a rumor floating around about the Wii and the ability to play “backup” games. There are claims that they have been able to develop a 5-point soldered ship that lets you play the games that you backed up because you knew they ...
Read More »Is Google developing a competitor for Second Life?
What a wonder it would be to be able to have a social networking platform such as Second Life, mixed with the sketchings and locations of Google Earth. That’s exactly what is traveling through the rumor grapevine right now. A Googleized version of Second Life. The satellite imaging technology of Google Earth is rumored to be in development as a ...
Read More »Lord Of The Rings Online details revealed
News update for all of you gamers who love all things Tolkein. Some information has been released regarding the Lord Of The Rings Online game. This game has the pontential to go great places, considering the rabit fan base that it will start off with. Take a look at the quotation here and you will learn some pretty interesting facts ...
Read More »DIY Wii Steering Wheel
With the flood of Wii related injury images behind us for now, more mods are starting to come out of the woodwork. The Wii steering wheel might look like it’s covered in tape and cardboard, and that’s because it is. True. Most of the racing games come with a official Wii steering wheel. But why spend the money on a ...
Read More »Where are your Xbox 360’s clothes?
What hacking mods have you made to your Xbox 360 lately? No, replacing your faceplate doesn’t count. You probably hanve’t been doing too much moding if Microsoft has had anything to say about it. While hacking the 360 is far more complicated than the Xbox, you can try this on for size. It’s a transparent case for your 360, and ...
Read More »Battle card reader for Nintendo DS: Jushinten
Nintendo has demoed a card reader for their Nintendo DS portable gaming machine at the Toy Forum in Japan. The card reader is used to incorporate battle cards (such as Yu-gi-oh) with the game on your DS, theoratically you can also play battle card games on the network with users all over the world. The game demonstrated was Jushinten (rough ...
Read More »Nintendo announced Mario Kart 64 for Virtual Console
So what will Nintendo do now that the Wii has been released and the initial flow of new games has stopped? Well, besides selling more and more Wiis, they are leveraging their Virtual Console platform to launch new (old) games. Having just released Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Mario Kart 64 is set to be available next week on VC. Why ...
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