
Halo 3 beta instructions! Come and get ’em!

So what if Gears of War has taken over the Xbox360 scene as of late. The name of Halo still holds a warm and fuzzy place in every die-hard Xbox fan out there. That is the main reason why the upcoming installment Halo 3 is receiving so much attention right now. The newest and coolest thing in Halo world? Getting ...

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Maker of White PS3 Mod now offers red and silver

Everyone who keeps up with the tech blogosphere and isn’t blind has seen articles about the White PS3s being sold on eBay for an exorbitant amount of loot. The same guy who was the think tank behind the White PS3 is now offering the console in Red and Silver colors. Both are still in the design and concept stage, but ...

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Sony’s next PSP to have 60GB hard drive?

Ohhhhh, man. Someone is definitely going to lose their job over this. It seems that whoever the presentation director of the Samsung N-Series (small and high storing units) presentation “accidentally” let the wrong PowerPoint slide pop-up on the wrong day and now the blogs have their engines revving with anticipation. What exactly does this mean for us? What it means ...

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Nettou Boxing gloves: Wii boxing without a screen

We know how people are crazy about Nintendo Wii Sports, treating 2 parts of the wiimote as boxing gloves. Now how about bring this super fun game to the streets? No TV, no power adapter, no Wii, all you need is a pair of these Nettou Boxing gloves and an I-don’t-care-what-you-think attitude. Pop in your batteries, choose between Training or ...

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65nm processors for the Xbox 360 pushed to mid-2007

If you were waiting for the Xbox 360 to drop in price, don’t hold your breath. One way that manufacturers are able to make their consoles less expensive is by reducing the size of the CPU die. Why does this allow for them to lower prices? Because they are able to fit more processors on a manufacturing run. Another small ...

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White PS3 going for $1,500+ on eBay

And you thought that the people getting pink and orange Zunes were lucky… Well, the person who opened their box and found a white PS3 doesn’t really exist, so don’t fret. This white PS3 was homemade, well, home painted is more like it. PS3Center actually took the time to take their brand new PS3 apart, painstaking paint the black components, ...

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Super Mario 1-up Mushroom Scarf

We would totally rock this scarf on the upcoming winter days, if only our relatives were hip enough to understand our inner geek as well as our outer geek. $95 seems like a lot for a scarf, but considering it’s 75″ long and is stylish as hell, we know a lot of people who would shell out the cash. If ...

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One Wii to rule them all…: The Wiimote house controller

Now this is a sweet Wii hack. LiquidIce, master of Wii hacks, has listed an amazingly useful hack for the Wii that makes the game console a electronic control device for your home utilities. It allows you to control your homes temperature, security camera, music playback, Cable DVR, among other household objects. If one wishes to master ones Wii, one ...

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