Roxio's resident "Mighty Eagle," Peter Vesterbacka, has confirmed that 'Angry Birds' will be finding its way to more mobile platforms. In addition, Vesterbacka also let slip that a 3D version of the game is in the works.
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‘Civilization IV’ Theme Nets First Gaming Grammy
"Baba Yetu," the opening theme song from 'Civilization IV,' became the first song to be composed for a video game to win a Grammy at last night's Grammy Awards.
Read More »Please Don’t Take My Beta Chrome Away (1)
Adam Rothstein is a blogger, tech thinker, unemployed philosopher�and now, a beta tester of one of the coveted Google Chrome notebook computers. In the first of four posts about the beta experience, Adam finds that the unnanounced arrival of the device makes him feel like a combination of The Matrix's Neo and a Milo from The Phantom Tollbooth.
Read More »UFO on Tape: Imagination as the Original Augment
A deft, original game that combines throwback imagery with physical gameplay�its very simplicity demonstrating the power of game development. Video after the jump.
Read More »Unevenly Distributed: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The @
I start this column with only one aim. I would like to try to impart my love for one of the oldest, and most impenetrable, and aesthetically unattractive, and sociopathic and schizophrenic genres of computer game to a reader who will doubtlessly hate it for all of those exact reasons. I'm talking about rogue-likes, so called because of their ancestry in a progenitor called Rogue. Let's see how I do.
Read More »Duke Nukem Wants To Be the New Limit Case (NSFW)
The trailer for the long-awaited, much-maligned Duke Nukem Forever may be pixelated, but it tries hard�too hard�to pull no punches. Warning: although blurred, some bits are not safe for work. Video after the jump.
Read More »Reality is Broken, Beautifully
Reviewing Reality is Broken, Jane McGonigal's manifesto of gaming for a better world, Ian Bogost realizes that he likes the messy, repellent, stunning reality we've got.
Read More »Hit Points: Second Life and Ambient Gaming
Julian Dibbell says that while Second Life seems to have failed to live up to its early promise, it has helped further the baked in gamification of life online and off.
Read More »Chess Masters Play Both Sides of the Brain
While most of us use one side of the brain to play chess, the minds of masters of the game solve moves by parallel processing.
Read More »This Intel Ad is Like a Day in the Life
A breakneck desktop adventure offers an uncanny sense of what daily life is like for a tech blogger. Video after the jump.
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