
7 Parents Who Owned Their Kids

Dad Knows You Fap

Parenting is hard, particularly in an age where the majority of parents just seem to have given up and handed the reigns over to their kids. Today we'd like to celebrate 7 parents who have owned their kids and taken back the parenting power.

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7 People Who Got Caught Cheating


Cheating is bad mmkay? Really though, if you're going to be a cheater at least don't get caught... No, wait...don't be a cheater because you'll probably end up like these people.

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7 Luxury Hotels That Make Us Drool

Hotel St Martins Lane, London

If you aren't one of the "other half," then chances are that you've wondered how they live, and that includes hotel stays. These 7 luxury hotels make the list of some of the most incredible luxury hotels from around the world and this girl is lucky enough to have stayed in one of them (check out #1.)

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