
Speech Bubble: Looking Like a Fool for the Sake of Privacy

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen people go to extreme lengths for a little privacy, and it almost certainly won’t be the last, but this might be the first time we’ve seen such a ridiculous apparatus be made for use at parties. If you’re looking for a way to make yourself look like even more of a weirdo, the ...

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Viacom Has YouTube User Data “In Site”

Poor, poor YouTube. The courtrooms just can’t get enough of ya’! According to Wired’s Threat Level blog the judge in the Viacom/Google lawsuit has made a ruling which forces Google to turn over “every record of every video watched by YouTube users, including users’ names and IP addresses,” to Viacom. Although Google argued that turning over the data would invade ...

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New York Gets Enhanced 911 Service

Technology helps prevent crime. That’s a no-brainer. London’s use of CCTV has turned the city into a near police state and GPS has led to more arrests for car theft. As of yesterday, New Yorkers will be able to send text messages, picture messages and video to 911 and 311. This will enable citizens to report crimes of all types, ...

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Crazy Rhode Island School RFID’ing Students

In a move that shows a blatant disregard for civil liberties and personal freedoms, a Rhode Island school district will be testing out a program that monitor’s student movement via RFID chips in backpacks. Right now, 80 children are using the RFID-equipped backpacks. Buses will also receive GPS units. Parents and faculty will be able to login to a system ...

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USB Privacy Mouse Hides Porn, Money Laundering Evidence

Most guys under oath wouldn’t even admit to looking at porn at the office, but it happens. We know it happens. It’s one of those don’t ask, don’t tell type of things. No matter how many people there are who look at porn, or who are just plain goofing off on company time, there is always the risk that you ...

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