Lexus wants to keep you safe. And to keep you safe, Lexus researchers have built the world’s most advanced driving simulator in history, where unsuspecting employees will be subjected to the horrors of the road. Which is good, because I want to feel safe when my autonomous car drives me around. Located in Higashifuji, Japan, the domed simulator is about ...
Read More »Transportation
E-Trike is the Baddest Looking Electric Tricycle You’ll Ever See
The image of a tricycle is traditionally not one that strikes fear in the eyes of onlookers. Quite the contrary. Tricycles seem to be a bully magnet. While the E-Trike might result in envious thievery, I sincerely doubt anyone would be willing to mess with you face-to-face if you parked this in your garage. Though despite its hard looks, Josh ...
Read More »Google Has Secretely Developed a Self-Driving Car
Is Google setting its sights on alternative green transportation? It would seem odd that a search company would be in the headlines as a cutting-edge developer of automobiles, but apparently, Google still has a few secrets up their wizard sleeves. Google has secretly been developing a self-driven, autonomous car which actually does what it’s supposed to do. Google has accumulated ...
Read More »Pimp My Donkey
Just because you don’t have the money for a car doesn’t mean you can’t ride around your native village in style. Riding a donkey with a stereo system is sort of the third-world equivalent of driving around in a brand new Mercedes, except smellier. And I’m not sure, but I’m pretty confident that cars don’t leave behind little piles of ...
Read More »Wind-Powered, Plug-In, Hybrid Super Green Yacht Hits the High Seas
Admit it. It’s time to come clean. Say it with me – “My yacht is an environmental menace.” And your Cuban cigar smoke isn’t helping any. The truth is that personal changes really can make a difference, even if that means no more making laps around the yacht’s deck with your Hummer, using gasoline-soaked baby seals as the track’s course ...
Read More »1976 Land Rover Converted into a Real Life Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Replica
This is not a man who takes challenges lightly. When the daughter of Stuart Wallis from Ringwood town in Hampshire, England, challenged him to create a car similar to the flying vehicle seen in the 1968 film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Wallis took it very, very seriously. So serious did he take this challenge, in fact, that only three months ...
Read More »Angel Car: The World’s First Mobile Charging Station for Electronic Vehicles
One of the major factors that deters people from purchasing an electronic car is the fact that the charge can run out. There’s always that lingering possibility that you can be stuck in the middle of nowhere without a charge. Swiss company Nation-E is attempting to quell some of those worries with Angel Car, the first mobile charging station for ...
Read More »Bumper Stickers for Proud Parents of Gamers
I think my parents were always jealous of the other parents who got to show off their perfect little kid by putting one of those “I’m the parent of an honor student” bumper stickers on their cars. Sorry I disappointed you guys. But there’s still hope! Artist Das Chupa created these bumper stickers specifically for parents with gamers as children. ...
Read More »Guy Uses Dusty Car Windows to Create Art Masterpiece Reproductions
What can you say? Every artist has a different muse and different mediums. Some choose to use paint and canvas, others rely on a single Bic pen to recreate works of art. Scott Wade? He uses dirty car windows. Wade, based out of Wemberley, Texas, uses dusty rear windows to create artistic masterpieces. Oddly enough, before Scott can apply the ...
Read More »Next-Gen Car Brights / Headlamps to Automatically Adjust Beam to Avoid Other Drivers
One of the many things I hate about driving at night is the other drivers. Notably the ones who leave on their high-beams as they pass by. It’s not like it takes a lot of effort to switch them off. You must really be lazy or totally devoid of compassion to not click off your brights when you see a ...
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