Whoever thought attaching a DeLorean to a set of monster truck wheels was a good idea deserves some sort of medal. Mystified and thrilled were my emotions when I first set eyes on this beautifully absurd creation. Does the addition of the heavy wheels mean we’re going to need more than 1.21 gigawatts? Great scott. Link [via]
Read More »Transportation
Hitch Safe: More Useful Than Truck Nuts
As far as truck accessories go, I’d much rather have something useful, such as the Hitch Safe, rather than a pair of saggy balls hanging from the back of my bumper. The ingenious Hitch Safe slides out after its two security bolts are unhinged to reveal a little cubby for anything you might want to hide in the rear end ...
Read More »Ultra-Light Mosquito Helicopter: Personal Transportation for Cave-Dwellers
The lightweight Mosquito Helicopter concept by Cikaric Dragan, specifically designed for the Army to commute through difficult terrains, would have been perfect for the marauding caveman. No more multiple mile-long treks just for some fine tiger steak. You can even land this sucker right in the comfort of your own cave. A series of levers and a computer control the ...
Read More »Wireframe Lambo is Slightly More Affordable Than the Real Thing
While I’ll probably never be able to afford a real Lamborghini on my meager blogger’s salary, if I save up every paycheck, and every other Lambo fanatic somehow goes completely broke over the next few decades or so, than I might be able to save up enough for Benedict Radcliffe’s $65,000 Wireframe Lambo. All I want is bragging rights. Is ...
Read More »Looks Like A Garbage Truck, But Breaks Just Like a Little Apartment
This gutted UNICAT TerraCross all-terrain vehicle has been modified into a pretty slick living environment. An apartment on wheels. Sort of like an RV with attitude. While I’m not one for living on the road, I’m sure many of you who love to travel would all-but sell your soul for a mobile apartment like this. I’ll stick to my non-wheeled ...
Read More »Armored and Weaponized Baby Gear
Next up – Grand Theft Auto: The Early Years. Designer Shi Jinsong creates these magnificent armored and weaponized baby vehicles.
Read More »…You Might Be a Redneck: Truck Covered in Christmas Lights
How do rednecks celebrate the holidays? Other than running down wild animals and throwing perfectly good furniture across their lawn, them good ole boys like to take about 3,000 Christmas lights and just wrap ’em around their prized pick-up. Insert electric generator and voila, instant holiday cheer.
Read More »Lamborghini Ankonian Concept: Child of the Batmobile
Innovation meets beauty with the creation of the Lamborghini Ankonian Concept. Not your grandpapi’s Lambo, this bad boy appears to be created using reptilian metallic scales. Built like some sort of dinosaur/shielded Batmobile hybrid, the Arkonian is pretty much an orgasm in car form.
Read More »Stoplight Visually Counts Down the Seconds Until Go Time
There’s a reason everyone’s always trying to rush ahead of everyone else on the road. No one likes to get stuck at a stoplight unless they need to adjust their sack or something. The color red is considered torture to many impatient drivers. The Eko Stoplight includes a circular ticker which counts down the intervals until the light will turn ...
Read More »Laser Crosswalk Saves Pedestrians From a Painful Death
When the light turns red, a huge laser wall projecting apparitions of crossing pedestrians spans across the crosswalk. The concept is designed to keep crossing pedestrians safe from any overzealous drivers who otherwise might have ran the red light.
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