Using nothing more than two years, $4,385, and some good ole hard word and ingenuity, China native Tao Xiangli created his DIY Submarine. We like to keep up to date with people and objects we’ve written about in the past so it’s our honor to let you know that the DIY Sub made its water debut on September 3. Made ...
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Car Company Logo Cupcakes
Rollin’ on dubs. Shootin’ up some thugs. Eating cupcakes. Gangsta. Pure gangsta. Represent. If I owned a car or knew how to cook, my ride would be fully-stocked with these Car Company Cupcakes at all times. You know I need me some baked goods. OM NOM! Link
Read More »Robocar Z Could Lead to Autonomous Vehicles
Japanese robotics company ZMP have created the Robocar Z in hopes that it can teach us more about the future of robot-controlled automobiles. The vehicle has a protruding which holds two cameras which connect to a state of the art image recognition system. The Robocar is thought to be an ideal platform for testing robotized vehicle automation before heading to ...
Read More »Steve Jobs Mobile Spied in Parking Lot of One Infinite Loop
Over are the days of Apple CEO Steve Jobs being assisted by mysterious men in black suits and the occasional helping hand from Jonathan Ive. El Jobso is now taking his own car to work, which leads me to believe that is recovery from liver transplant surgery is moving along just fine. At least now he has an excuse to ...
Read More »iPhone Application for Managing Your Electric Vehicle
Nissan is geared up to release a collection of EVs on August 2, but they also have a trick up their sleeve which other companies haven’t managed to pull quite yet. Nissan will also be releasing an iPhone application which will help drivers manage their electric vehicle. The app will let the driver know how much power the EV has ...
Read More »Pedal-Powered Monorail Saves Energy, Tightens Buttocks
If I didn’t live in a cardboard box I might consider installing some sort of monorail system which could easily transport me around my vast estate. Since I’m such an awesomely eco-friendly guy, my monorail system would be totally pedal-powered. No motor needed. The Shweeb is exactly that. An awkwardly named pedal-powered monorail system which simultaneously saves the Earth and ...
Read More »Dark Knight Motorcycle Suit Replica Makes You Feel Super
Geeky bikers are a special sort of breed. They are bad-ass enough to step on a speeding motorcycle, but geeky enough to wear something like this while doing it. The Dark Knight Motorcycle Suit is a replica of the suit worn by Christian Bale in The Dark Knight film. The suit is designed to be worn by bikers, though I’m ...
Read More »World’s Fastest R/C Car Goes Faster Than Your Real Car
46-year-old Nic Case designed this R/C car which smashed the previous speed record by nearly 30 mph. Traveling at a max speed of 161 mph, the Pocket Rocket is the fastest R/C car known to exist. Case’s goal is to make a R/C car which can travel at 200 mph. While the chances of finding yourself a remote-controlled car that ...
Read More »Project Nomad: An ATV with Legs
How old school do you like it? Project Nomad takes you WAAAAYYYY back. Back to the days when going out to get a steak was more complicated than just stepping out to your nearest grocery store. Jason Battersby’s Project Nomad is a vehicle concept with a twist. Instead of the standard wheel-based movement system, Nomad is operated with a set ...
Read More »Real-Life Transformer Robot Turns Into Motorcycle
OMFG. I was sure this day would never come. And now that it’s here I’m not sure whether I should be thrilled or if I should prepare the construction of my robot world domination safety shelter. As you can see, the Norton Commando Transformer robot by Steve Twist is a full-on real life Transformer. In only seconds, the coughing Norton ...
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