Just as Eve was tempted into eating from the tree of knowledge, I too am being tempted to commission myself a set of these skateboards if they ever see the light of day. Designed by ProcessRecess, and commissioned by Giant Robot, the Exit Eden skateboard symbolizes the rise of science and the inspection of religion through the sharp eyes of ...
Read More »Transportation
Concept Nike Glasses Allow Bikers To See Their Surroundings
Trust me, I know how important it is to see all of your surroundings when you’re biking. When I was 12 I was hit by a drunk driver. I can only think of what might have happened if I had been able to see what was going on around me. Would I have been able to avoid the hit? The ...
Read More »Fresh: Skateboard Deck by Anthony Cozzi
Anthony is the man. Not just because he’s an avid Gearfuse reader, but because he designed this badass skateboard deck called Fruit. The entire thing is wrapped in fruit, giving a your board a fresh new look in a world full of World Industries and Element. The best part is that although extremely limited, you can still get your paws ...
Read More »NYC Subway Map Cuff
Ah, yes. Functional jewelry. For people who’ve just migrated to the big city (as in, New York) and haven’t found themselves acclimated, consider dropping $23 on designer Tiffany Burnette’s wristcuff-thingy. It’s a metal cuff bracelet with the entire map of the subway on it. And by entire map, I mean Manhattan minus the ghetto areas uptown. Made in New York, ...
Read More »A True Godsend: In-Car Pizza Oven
Holy shit. Do you see what I see? I think so. It looks like a fucking pizza oven that plugs into your car’s cigarette lighter. Amazing. Forget delivery; I can only imagine going 80 down I-95 while popping in a fresh DiGiorno with the works. What will they think of next? $36 and an extra $100 a month on your ...
Read More »Mercedes Benz AMG Driving Academy
If you’ve got some extra cash burning a hole in your pocket and you’re a fan of fast, luxurious cars, may I recommend checking out the new Mercedes Benz AMG Driving Academy that’s been set up in Lime Rock, Connecticut and Palm Beach, Florida. For a little under two grand, you can spend a day driving AMG-tuned (sorry, no BRABUS) ...
Read More »2 Girls 1 Cup Skateboard Makes Me Nauseous, Aroused
Anyone who has witnessed the now infamous “2 Girls, 1 Cup” video will never be the same. Trust me, you’ll know what I’m talking about if you’ve seen it or even just heard about it. This vehicle immortalizes the meme through the majesty of skateboard design. Here is the description from the Flick image: My son bought a new skateboard ...
Read More »Land Rover Defender: Fire & Ice Edition
You’d think that with the entire automotive industry in complete peril, a near-bankrupt company like Land Rover wouldn’t be cranking out limited edition luxury vehicles. But sure enough, it is and they are pretty sweet rides I must say. Only 850 “Fire & Ice” edition Defenders will be made and each will cost a whopping $95,000. The amenities? “The interior ...
Read More »Nike+ System Hacked To Open Car Doors
Using an Arduino, hacker knowledge and a Nike+ iPod Serial to USB adapter, Nathan Seidle was able to rig up a system that constantly checks for his keyfob. When Nate gets close enough to his car, it opens up. When he walks away, it locks. The system worked flawlessly until he realized that while at work, the car would randomly ...
Read More »Heads Will Roll: Dragon Titanium Helmet
When you’re going 140 MPH on a motorcycle, why would you even consider cheaping out on the best safety equipment available to man? Now peep this Dragon Titanium motorcycle helmet, designed by Italian Prime. It’s lightweight, yet strong as an ox. And the design? Totally killer. A classic look that will look great on any style of motorcycle. It even ...
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