Let’s assume you just dropped $332,000 on a new Aston Martin DBS. So, spending another $35,000 on a wristwatch is a drop in the bucket right? It may seem a lot to pay for a watch, but it may be worth it when you consider that the Jaeger LeCoultre wristwatch can remotely unlock and start your new car and look ...
Read More »Transportation
Hydrogen Fuel Cell…Bicycle?
Don’t let the little fenders and that wussy basket fool you. This bicycle features state-of-the-art hydrogen fuel cell technology – and it has a $2600 price tag to prove it. When powered up, the bike will cruise along at a whopping 15 mph for a distance of about 60 miles. When on empty it can be pedaled around like a ...
Read More »Mercedes Fortwo Is Tiny, Cheap, and Deadly
SmartUSA has just announced that two Mercedes produced “smart fortwo” models will be available in the US for under $12k. That, combined with its minuscule 8.8-ft length and 5.1-ft height, make it one of the smallest, cheapest cars around. The base model doesn’t have much in the way of features (not even air conditioning), but there is a wide range ...
Read More »The Brio Flying Boat: It’s Almost a Good Idea
I love flying and boating, I only wish I could do both at the same time. Now I can thanks to this Brio Flying Boat Kit. Sure it costs $10,000, but everything is included right? Not exactly. You still have to buy the engine, an ultra light Rotax (Austrian) 2 cycle engine to be more precise. If you check out ...
Read More »Wheelchair Moves On The Power Of Thought
A US company named Ambient has developed a motorized wheelchair that moves when the operator thinks of specific words. The system works thanks to Audeo, a larynx control system that intercepts signals that are sent from the brain to the voice box. The signals are then relayed to a computer where they are decoded and matched to a set of ...
Read More »DIY: Digital Dashboard Gauges
Here is a little DIY project for anyone who has mad hacking skills and a desire to pimp out their car’s dashboard. This digital dashboard gauge is built on an open source Arduino platform with text LCD and standard car senders. For the purposes of this hack, the gauge is being used to monitor turbo pressure, oil and other temperatures, ...
Read More »Ferrari chooses XM Radio as their exclusive satellite radio providers, adds NavTraffic integration
It’s no surprise that Ferrari has finally added itself into the world of satellite radio. Most luxury companies have already integrated this technology into their automobiles, though in true Ferrari-style, Modena is integrating a sleek NavTraffic GPS / XM Radio device into the new 612 Scaglietti models. The V12 engine of the 612 Scaglietti is sure to be enough music ...
Read More »Bike powered cellphone charging
Those of you who are out to save the world with your eco-friendliness will be thrilled with this new concept. It boggles our mind thinking of why bikes were never used this way before. Featured at the Coachella music festival’s Energy FACtory exhibit, these bikes are one step closer to where we want to be environmentally. The hybrid of the ...
Read More »Fat-ass airplane needs to lose a few pounds
There’s no denying it. The Aeorscraft ML866 is one morbidly obese airplane. It’s time we had an intervention with the poor thing to help it deal with its problem. Obesity is a disease people! The ML866 is scheduled to make its first official launch next month at the NBAA convention. The fatty plane is actually pretty technologically advanced when it ...
Read More »The Vespa is all of a sudden awesome again
This modded Vespa is not your average motor-scooter. Sporting an LCD touchscreen, WiFi internet, a Windows XP PC, and the entire collection of Jefferson Airplane, this GTS250 Vespa is one rockin’ piece of tech-transport. The Super Vespa, as we have come to call it for obvious reasons, also features a Yves Saint Laurent custom seat, but really, who the hell ...
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