Cheap Touch Screen In 2010


The OLPC movement is�better known for its $100 laptops that sport Windows XP. �A new line of laptops, said to be released in 2010, is probably the cheapest touch screen laptop ever. For only $75, �this laptop comes with no keyboard, as opposed to the computer that cuts out the middle man. Better yet, it has�a fold�out, dual touchscreen, designed to fend off the glare in the middle of a sunny day.

The designers felt that not producing the laptop with a keyboard would translate into less mechanical failure for the unit. As OLPC strives to rid the world of computer-phobia, it’s designs like these that could one day make everyone a computer-savvy nerd.


About Mohit


  1. This is awesome, but just one thing, could they try and make this same laptop to support the mac systems? I would buy 5 of these if they did.

  2. This is cool, but not very practical. Many nerds today use the keyboards of today only because they like the sounds the keys make as they are pressed.

  3. Sign me up for 10 – these would be the perfect wall mount computers, which could double as an excellent teaching computer for my daughter. So 1 for each room, and 1 or 2 for my kids.

  4. I would love that. when in 2010 is it being released?? is it high quality or will it break??? how big?? I am full of q’s! I wanna a laptop sooo badly but they cost so much and if a good quality $75 touch screen laptop came out I could buy it within 2 mths, plz plz plz be soon!!!

  5. damn that is sick i would buy 2 that looks cool but how big? memory? ram?

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