I smoked for nearly ten years, from the time I was 14 to my current age of 23. I quit about a year ago, with a few naughty indiscretions in between, and everyday, I still think about smoking. I’m unsure if that urge will ever truly go away, but I know in the long run, the cravings are worth the trouble. For now, the battle is constant.
These Coffin-Shaped Packs of Cigarettes reminded me of my ultimate fate if I were to pick-up the habit again. Instead of a Surgeon General warning, I wonder what the effect would be on smokers if the packs were all coffin shaped.
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Umm… It’s your “ultimate fate” regardless…
I don’t smoke, but this coffin cigarette case might make me change my mind.
I know- I’m weird.
Where can you buy those at?