- Finger Warming Keyboard [Amazon] – For ultra toastyness while you click away.
- People use IM to hook up then break up [Ars Technica] – Something tells me the majority of this survey was taken with the 14-17 age demographic.
- Wall-Mounted Shoe Dryer [Core77] – Something about hanging sopping wet shoes on a device plugged into a wall socket doesn’t seem too safe to me.
- China starting to use fuel cell powered buses [Ecofriend] – Sure, that will help the the edge off of the thousands of factories billowing out smoke.
Hey, I work for Circuit City (don’t flame me!), but I thought you might be interested in a sale that started Sunday. There are going to be daily special deals only on the web. The deals just last through Wednesday, and I know their stock will be limited so check it out at http://www.circuitcity.com/countdown .